Published © LGPL

Detect Motion using PIR Motion Sensor and Surilli GSM

PIR motion detector is used to sense movement. They are commonly used in burglar alarms and automatically-activated lightning systems.

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Detect Motion using PIR Motion Sensor and Surilli GSM

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Surilli GSM
Surilli GSM
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
PIR Motion Sensor (generic)
PIR Motion Sensor (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Detect Motion in Your Surrounding Using PIR Motion Sensor



int motion_Sensor_Pin = 10;//Motion sensor output pin is connected to pin 10 of surilli.
int Led_Pin = 13;//built-in LED pin is on pin number 13.
void setup()
    pinMode (motion_Sensor_Pin,INPUT);//output from motion sensor is declared as input for surilli.
    pinMode (Led_Pin, OUTPUT);//built-in LED is declared as output
    digitalWrite (Led_Pin,LOW);//initially built-in LED is set LOW.

void loop ()
      delay(1000); //this delay is to let the sensor settle down before taking a reading
      int sensor_value = digitalRead(motion_Sensor_Pin);//read the value from motion sensor and stores in variable "sensor-Value"
  if(sensor_value == 1)
      digitalWrite(Led_Pin,HIGH);//if sensor value is 1 then built-in LED will turn OFF.(LED inverted)
      Serial.println("Motion Detected");
      Serial.println(sensor_value);//prints digital value from sensor.
     // delay(100);
else if (sensor_value == 0)
      digitalWrite(Led_Pin,LOW);//if sensor value is 0 then built-in LED will turn ON.
      Serial.println("Searching For Motion");
      Serial.println(sensor_value);//prints digital value from sensor.


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Surilli is a premiere Internet of Things centric Technology Company aimed at providing cutting edge innovative solutions.


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