Here we use PIR sensor and Arduino to detect the motion of a hand. This detection can be used to operate electronic equipment.
Just before creating my next tutorial, which will be using a PIR sensor, I thought I might create a separate tutorial for PIR Sensor.
This System design a mobile rescue robotic Vehicle system based on Arduino to help the people on time which are trapped in natural calamity
Intrusion detection by the help of the PIR sensor. Whenever someone tries to come in signal will found in the form of a text message.
This tutorial will walk you through the steps of using an ESP2866 and a PIR Sensor to detect motion, and send you notifications using a Wia.
Automate Light with PIR sensor Using Arduino
Up to five ESP8266 PIR equipped sensors report events to the ESP server with touch interface color display.
How to make Welcome Audio by using PIR sensor
Learn how to use a PIR motion sensor to detect movement. You will also learn how PIR motion sensors work and how to use them.
Tired of going to grab a soda only to find they're all gone!? Well now you have an alert system to let you know when you need to refill.
This project demonstrates how to make a nightlight by using an Arduino, a PIR motion sensor, and PowerSwitch Tail to turn on a 120V light.
This device can be mounted on any frame of glasses and will help users to maintain a distance of more than 1 meter in the post corona world.
PIR-based motion detector is used to sense movement. They are commonly used in burglar alarms and automatically-activated lightning systems.
A remote dog food dispenser accessible via WiFi, for whenever you are away (or lazy) to feed the dog by pressing a button.
Wwitching to ESP32 won't be hard. ESP32 is almost 10 times more powerful than Arduino UNO #Arduino2022. Wokwi Emebdded systems Simulator
Whenever it motion detection sensor detects motion it will make buzzer sound, this can be use in home safety.
Make a DIY robotic bat that flaps its wings whenever someone walks by out of Arduino, off-the-shelf DC motor, Lego, and 3D printed parts.
This project plays music when motion is detected.
Back to office we will need a social distancing office badge, we have made a device which helps to maintain the social distance
Interconnection and implementation of external sensors for later use IoT applications deployments.
Arduino automatic multiple light control system. Room light on, table lamp off. Room light off, table lamp on via gesture.
You can have an AIoT security system up and running with minimal configuration, without the need to write any code.
In this project you will create an intruder detection device that will check if somebody is inside your house / room when you are out using
In this tutorial, we will send an event to Wia using Android Things.