Dragos Iosub

Arduino BME280 Sensor How To

Arduino how to - using BME280 (temp, hum and press sensor) I2C breakout from itbrainpower.net and Arduino 3.3V or 5V shields.

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Arduino BME280 Sensor How To

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BME280 sensor wiring example with xyz-mIoT shield [AT SAMD21G, 3.3V compliant]

3.3V compliant Arduino board - wire as shown in the image.
For 5V compliant Arduino board, wire Vin to Arduino 5V pad NOT to 3.3V!!!

BME280 breakout datasheet

s-Sense BME280 I2C sensor breakout datasheet



Read and print BME280 [temperature, humidity and pressure] / BMP280 [temperature and pressure] sensor data - pulling rate ~ 1.5 second.

Just wire the sensor with your Arduino board. Select your board, compile and upload code. Set Serial Monitor at 19200bps.
/* s-Sense BME280 I2C / s-Sense BMP280 I2C sensor breakout example - v1.0/20190524. 
 * Compatible with:
 *    s-Sense BME280 I2C sensor breakout - temperature, humidity and pressure - [PN: SS-BME280#I2C, SKU: ITBP-6002], info https://itbrainpower.net/sensors/BME280-TEMPERATURE-HUMIDITY-PRESSURE-I2C-sensor-breakout 
 *    s-Sense BMP280 I2C sensor breakout - temperature and pressure - [PN: SS-BMP280#I2C, SKU: ITBP-6001], info https://itbrainpower.net/sensors/BMP280-TEMPERATURE-HUMIDITY-I2C-sensor-breakout
 * This code shows how to use predefined recommended settings from Bosch for the BME280/BMP280 environmental sensor. Read temperature,  
 * humidity (unavailable for BMP280) and pressure (pulling at 1sec) - code based on BME280-2.3.0 library originally written by Tyler Glenn 
 * and forked by Alex Shavlovsky. Some part of code was written by Brian McNoldy. 
 * Amazing work folks! 
 * We've just select the relevant functions, add some variables, functions and fuctionalities.
 * Mandatory wiring:
 *    Common for 3.3V and 5V Arduino boards:
 *        sensor I2C SDA  <------> Arduino I2C SDA
 *        sensor I2C SCL  <------> Arduino I2C SCL
 *        sensor GND      <------> Arduino GND
 *    For Arduino 3.3V compatible:
 *        sensor Vin      <------> Arduino 3.3V
 *    For Arduino 5V compatible:
 *        sensor Vin      <------> Arduino 5V
 * Leave other sensor PADS not connected.
 * SPECIAL note for some ARDUINO boards:
 *        SDA (Serial Data)   ->  A4 on Uno/Pro-Mini, 20 on Mega2560/Due, 2 Leonardo/Pro-Micro
 *        SCK (Serial Clock)  ->  A5 on Uno/Pro-Mini, 21 on Mega2560/Due, 3 Leonardo/Pro-Micro
 * WIRING WARNING: wrong wiring may damage your Arduino board MCU or your sensor! Double check what you've done.
 * READ BME280 documentation! https://itbrainpower.net/sensors/BME280-TEMPERATURE-HUMIDITY-PRESSURE-I2C-sensor-breakout
 * READ BMP280 documentation! https://itbrainpower.net/sensors/BMP280-TEMPERATURE-PRESSURE-I2C-sensor-breakout
 * We ask you to use this SOFTWARE only in conjunction with s-Sense BME280 I2C or s-Sense BMP280 I2C sensor breakout usage. Modifications, derivates 
 * and redistribution of this SOFTWARE must include unmodified this notice. You can redistribute this SOFTWARE and/or modify it under the 
 * terms of this notice. 
 * This SOFTWARE is distributed is provide "AS IS" in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 * itbrainpower.net invests significant time and resources providing those how to and in design phase of our IoT products.
 * Support us by purchasing our environmental and air quality sensors from https://itbrainpower.net/order#s-Sense
 * Dragos Iosub, Bucharest 2019.
 * https://itbrainpower.net

#define SERIAL_SPEED  19200

#include <sSense-BMx280I2C.h>
#include <Wire.h> 

/* Recommended Modes -
   Based on Bosch BME280I2C environmental sensor data sheet.

Weather Monitoring :
   forced mode, 1 sample/minute
   pressure ×1, temperature ×1, humidity ×1, filter off
   Current Consumption =  0.16 μA
   RMS Noise = 3.3 Pa/30 cm, 0.07 %RH
   Data Output Rate 1/60 Hz

Humidity Sensing :
   forced mode, 1 sample/second
   pressure ×0, temperature ×1, humidity ×1, filter off
   Current Consumption = 2.9 μA
   RMS Noise = 0.07 %RH
   Data Output Rate =  1 Hz

Indoor Navigation :
   normal mode, standby time = 0.5ms
   pressure ×16, temperature ×2, humidity ×1, filter = x16
   Current Consumption = 633 μA
   RMS Noise = 0.2 Pa/1.7 cm
   Data Output Rate = 25Hz
   Filter Bandwidth = 0.53 Hz
   Response Time (75%) = 0.9 s

Gaming :
   normal mode, standby time = 0.5ms
   pressure ×4, temperature ×1, humidity ×0, filter = x16
   Current Consumption = 581 μA
   RMS Noise = 0.3 Pa/2.5 cm
   Data Output Rate = 83 Hz
   Filter Bandwidth = 1.75 Hz
   Response Time (75%) = 0.3 s


BMx280I2C::Settings settings(
   0x76 // I2C address. I2C specific.

BMx280I2C ssenseBMx280(settings);

void setup()

  while(!DebugPort) {} // Wait

  DebugPort.println("s-Sense BME/BMP280 I2C sensor.");

    DebugPort.println("Could not find BME/BMP280 sensor!");
     case BME280::ChipModel_BME280:
       DebugPort.println("Found BME280 sensor! Humidity available.");
     case BME280::ChipModel_BMP280:
       DebugPort.println("Found BMP280 sensor! No Humidity available.");
       DebugPort.println("Found UNKNOWN sensor! Error!");

   // Change some settings before using.
   settings.tempOSR = BME280::OSR_X4;


void loop()

void printBMx280Data
   Stream* client
   float temp(NAN), hum(NAN), pres(NAN);

   BME280::TempUnit tempUnit(BME280::TempUnit_Celsius);
   BME280::PresUnit presUnit(BME280::PresUnit_Pa);

   ssenseBMx280.read(pres, temp, hum, tempUnit, presUnit);

   client->print("Temp: ");
   //client->print("°"+ String(tempUnit == BME280::TempUnit_Celsius ? 'C' :'F'));
   client->print(" "+ String(tempUnit == BME280::TempUnit_Celsius ? 'C' :'F'));
   client->print("\t\tHumidity: ");
   client->print("% RH");
   client->print("\t\tPressure: ");
   client->println(" Pa");


Arduino BME280 and BMP280 library

Arduino library to access Bosch BME280 [temperature, humidity and pressure] and Bosch BME280 [temperature and pressure] sensor data - adapted for itbrainpower.net s-Sense BME280 I2C sensor breakout and itbrainpower.net s-Sense BME280 I2C sensor breakout -compatible with 3.3V - 5V Arduino shields.

This code it's based on BME280-2.3.0 library originally written by Tyler Glenn and forked by Alex Shavlovsky. Some part of original code was written by Brian McNoldy.

Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder - 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.

Couple examples are available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-BMx280" library.
No preview (download only).


Dragos Iosub
28 projects • 18 followers
Electronics & software, electronics & software, ...
