Dave Glover
Published © MIT

CO2 Monitor to Improve Health, Wellbeing, and Productivity

With lots of us working from home and closing the door to shut out everyday life then CO2 levels could be making you grumpy, sleepy, or sad.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour1,507
CO2 Monitor to Improve Health, Wellbeing, and Productivity

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit
Avnet Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit
Seeed Studio Grove - CO2 & Temperature & Humidity Sensor for Arduino (SCD30) - 3-in-1
Seeed Studio MT3620 Mini Dev Board
Seeed Studio Grove LEDs Red, Green, and Blue

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Azure IoT Central


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CO2 monitoring solution

Azure Sphere Developer Learning Path



Dave Glover
10 projects • 90 followers
Passionate software dev guy, @ Microsoft various roles 20 years, Dev Evangelist, specializing in IoT, Devices, and Cloud computing.
