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M5 Covid-Bastion

A project to prevent access of suspect Covid-19 positive in office or community. M5Stack Core Grey, RFID unit and NCIR body temp measure

IntermediateWork in progress3 hours1,399
M5 Covid-Bastion

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ESP32 GREY Development Kit with 9Axis Sensor
M5Stack ESP32 GREY Development Kit with 9Axis Sensor
M5Stack Faces II Bottom
RFID RC522 Panel for M5 Faces
M5Stack RFID RC522 Panel for M5 Faces
NCIR Unit Contactless Temperature Sensor Module (MLX90614)
M5Stack NCIR Unit Contactless Temperature Sensor Module (MLX90614)

Software apps and online services

M5Stack M5Burner
M5Stack uiflow


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M5 Covid-Bastion

Simply a figure of components used for this project


M5 Covid-Bastion

A project to prevent access of suspect Covid-19 positive in office or community. Based on M5Stack Core Grey, RFID unit and NCIR body temp measure


8 projects • 5 followers
Maker, electronics, photography addict. Start with Spectrum48K, writes games. He works for years as an electronic designer and programmer.


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