Arduino RC Bluetooth car
Arduino RC ver 1Arduino Bluetooth Car
1.Arduino Development Board
•You can use the following boards
•Arduino Nano
2. Motor Control (L298N)
This L298N motor controller used for control2 motors
If you want to use the following motor control also
This is the shield of the L298N motor controller
3. Bluetooth module
This is the main thing in this project
Because we going to control RC car using Bluetooth and this can make connecting between mobile and RC robot
Some Bluetooth modules,
HC –05
HC - 06
4.Bread board (Project Board)
5.Some of the LEDs
7.Chassis of RC car (if you can make your own Chassis)
Diagramof RC car Arduino
•Forshield L298N
About This Project
This is the basic of Arduino RC Robot (Level 1) so here I create a library for controlling the RC car (Bluetooth Mode)
and in the following table is very useful for you to control motors using the L298N motor controller.
This table for
1. Forward
2. Backward
3. Left
4. Right
5. stop
0 - LOW
1 - HIGH
and for Bluetooth communication,
we should use Arduino UNO pin 0, 1 (Digital Pins) because only we can use RX and TX pins as 0 and 1
and in-circuit,
HC - 05/ HC- 06 module Arduino Uno
RX ------------------------------------> TX
TX ------------------------------------> RX
This is the Serial Communication
By Jehan Kandy
library Link
you can download it from my GitHub
when the lion walkup sees the elephant he thinks lunch,
but elephant thinks to run
that's the lion’s mentality,
you should always think like a lion
Good luck
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