Julien Darrah
Published © LGPL


R2D2 toy shell brought to life using a Raspberry Pi Zero W.

AdvancedFull instructions provided20 hours2,257

Things used in this project


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Battery Circuit Mount - Part3

Battery Circuit Buttons - Part4

RPi circuit Proto Board Mount - Part1

RPi circuit Proto Board Mount - Part2

User Buttons - Proto Board Spacers

Head Gear

Optical Switch Interrupter

Leg CAM components

Leg CAM Wheel

Leg Motor Mount

Battery Circuit Mount - Part1

Battery Circuit Mount - Part2


R2D2pi Circuit

R2D2pi Node Red Flow


NodeRed Flow

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        "name": "set left speed",\
        "func": "var in1 = \{ payload: 0 \};\\nvar in2 = \{ payload: 0 \};\\nvar CurrentDirection = \{ payload: 0 \};\\n\\n// initialise the counter to 0 if it doesn't exist already\\nvar LeftSensorState = context.get('LeftSensorState')||0;\\nvar MidSensorState = context.get('MidSensorState')||0;\\nvar RightSensorState = context.get('RightSensorState')||0;\\nvar MotorCommand = context.get('MotorCommand')||0;\\nvar Trigger = context.get('Trigger')||0;\\n\\n\\n\\nif(msg.topic === \\"LeftSensor\\")\{\\n    LeftSensorState = msg.payload;\\n    context.set('LeftSensorState', msg.payload);\\n\}\\n\\nif(msg.topic === \\"MidSensor\\")\{\\n    MidSensorState = msg.payload;\\n    context.set('MidSensorState', msg.payload);\\n\}\\n\\nif(msg.topic === \\"RightSensor\\")\{\\n    RightSensorState = msg.payload;\\n    context.set('RightSensorState', msg.payload);\\n\}\\n\\nif(msg.topic === \\"MotorCommand\\")\{\\n    MotorCommand = msg.payload;\\n    context.set('MotorCommand', msg.payload);\\n\}\\n\\nif(msg.topic === \\"Trigger\\")\{\\n    Trigger = msg.payload;\\n    context.set('Trigger', msg.payload);\\n\}\\n\\n\\nif ( (MotorCommand > 0) && (RightSensorState === 0) ) \\n\{\\n    CurrentDirection = \{ payload: 2 \};\\n    \\n\\n        in2 = \{ payload: 0 \};\\n        in1 = \{ payload: MotorCommand \};\\n\\n\\n\} \\nelse if ( (MotorCommand < 0) && (LeftSensorState === 0) ) \\n\{\\n    CurrentDirection = \{ payload: 1 \};\\n\\n        in1 = \{ payload: 0 \};\\n        in2 = \{ payload: Math.abs(MotorCommand) \};\\n\\n\}\\nelse\\n\{\\n    in1 = \{ payload: 0 \};\\n    in2 = \{ payload: 0 \};\\n    CurrentDirection = \{ payload: 0 \};\\n\}\\n\\n\\nreturn [ in1, in2, CurrentDirection ];",\
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        "height": 0,\
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        "topic": "",\
        "min": 0,\
        "max": "100",\
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        "x": 194,\
        "y": 1525,\
        "wires": [\
        "id": "c5be7a03.b9b148",\
        "type": "exec",\
        "z": "311c8b43.5c0584",\
        "command": "amixer cset numid=1 -- ",\
        "addpay": true,\
        "append": "",\
        "useSpawn": "false",\
        "timer": "",\
        "oldrc": false,\
        "name": "Volume Ctrl",\
        "x": 539.5,\
        "y": 1526.5,\
        "wires": [\
        "id": "76d238dc.143448",\
        "type": "function",\
        "z": "311c8b43.5c0584",\
        "name": "Volume",\
        "func": "msg.payload/=3;\\nif (msg.payload>0) msg.payload+=66;\\nmsg.payload+=\\"%\\";\\nreturn msg;",\
        "outputs": 1,\
        "noerr": 0,\
        "x": 363,\
        "y": 1526,\
        "wires": [\
        "id": "bdc88586.7737a8",\
        "type": "speakerpi-output",\
        "z": "311c8b43.5c0584",\
        "choose": "givenfile",\
        "filename": "/home/pi/Music/imperial.wav",\
        "channels": "1",\
        "bitdepth": "8",\
        "samplerate": "11025",\
        "name": "StartWars",\
        "x": 498,\
        "y": 1470,\
        "wires": []\
        "id": "7aaa86ca.62b248",\
        "type": "ui_button",\
        "z": "311c8b43.5c0584",\
        "name": "",\
        "group": "4f5830f7.70499",\
        "order": 8,\
        "width": 0,\
        "height": 0,\
        "passthru": false,\
        "label": "Play Imperial",\
        "color": "",\
        "bgcolor": "",\
        "icon": "",\
        "payload": "true",\
        "payloadType": "bool",\
        "topic": "",\
        "x": 227,\
        "y": 1469,\
        "wires": [\
        "id": "ccfd3eb.d4353c",\
        "type": "speakerpi-output",\
        "z": "311c8b43.5c0584",\
        "choose": "givenfile",\
        "filename": "/home/pi/Music/FATHER.WAV",\
        "channels": "1",\
        "bitdepth": "8",\
        "samplerate": "11025",\
        "name": "Father",\
        "x": 499,\
        "y": 1256,\
        "wires": []\

This file has been truncated, please download it to see its full contents.


Julien Darrah

Julien Darrah

3 projects • 7 followers
