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Karl Komierowski
Published © CC BY

Smart Parking with Spresense

Connected conceptual parking lot using visual monitoring and edge computing.

ExpertFull instructions provided10 hours3,406
Smart Parking with Spresense

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Spresense boards (main & extension)
Sony Spresense boards (main & extension)
Spresense camera board
Sony Spresense camera board
Radio Bonnets with OLED display - RFM69 or LoRa - RadioFruit
Adafruit Radio Bonnets with OLED display - RFM69 or LoRa - RadioFruit
Optional, only needed if LoRa connectivity is needed. Otherwise this will work using UART.
Adafruit TFT display 320x240 ILI9341
These can be found on Ebay for a few euros.

Software apps and online services

Sony Spresense SDK


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Spresense Smart parking with LoRa and TFT


Smart parking

Smart parking source


Karl Komierowski

Karl Komierowski

5 projects • 10 followers
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