Garage parking sensor using addressable RGB LEDs to provide feedback to vehicle driver as they approach and reach stop (park) position.
ARTIK cloud-based smart parking system.
A system that tells you about the parking slots of an area.
This parking sensor with Arduino is an easy project.
The project was implemented to solve parking issues by using sensors, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi including mobile apps.
Use three HC-SR04 ultrasound sensors and two battery displays to show you how close the obstacles are and from which side.
This project makes a simple, cheap and secure payment system using RFID that is suitable for small businesses.
An IT system that manages cars' access to a parking garage by using RFID technology.
A system that can be used by users that allows them to view the available parking spaces through a website in huge parking lots.
In this, we are making an automatic car parking system using Arduino and display the messages on 16x2 LCD.
Smart Parking and better user engagement with Azure IoT suite remote monitoring + Raspberry Pi + Smooch + Slack.
Make an assistant which tells you about how much to drive backwards without any collision through your smartphone by Arduino and 1Sheeld.
Automated parking system using RFID and Ultrasonic sensors.
I made a simple project called "smart car parking system."
A parking aid using an ultrasonic distance sensor and colored LEDs.
A smart parking mobile app to assist you in finding and reserving an available parking spot nearby so that others wouldn't beat you to it.
Count cars when they enter and exit in the parking space area, this helps find out available car parking space.
Real-time parking occupancy detection with cloud integration to IoTConnect. All on <5 Watts.
This automated car parking system is aimed at managing parking lots efficiently.
Python + OpenCV + Flask + Roboflow + Raspbian + BalenaFinV1.0 + PostgreSQL + Web Application (Vue. js + Node. js) + Android Studio + MapBox
Arduino Parking Sensor with HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
Green Light... Red Light!
An empty place indicator or monitor for car parking.
Parking is becoming one of the most common issues, it may be a Mall or a Theater, before entering the parking check if theirs any space!