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Kitty Yeung
Published © CC BY-SA

Made of Mars + Adafruit Circuit Playground Express + DFRobot

An outfit made of Martian material. It provides awareness of its environment. Let's protect the Earth even if we can move to Mars.

IntermediateFull instructions providedOver 1 day3,542
Made of Mars + Adafruit Circuit Playground Express + DFRobot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Made of Mars fabrics
Circuit Playground Express
Adafruit Circuit Playground Express
DFRobot Optical dust sensor
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Alligator Clips
Alligator Clips
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 47.5 ohm
Resistor 47.5 ohm
AstroReality planets

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

sewing machine (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)


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Pin connections

I used A3 for dust sensor analogue pin to avoid sharing pins with other sensors on Adafruit Circuit Playground Express. The diagrams are from https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Interface-With-Optical-Dust-Sensor/

Optical dust sensor pin assignments

Diagram from https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Interface-With-Optical-Dust-Sensor/


Made of Mars Kitty Yeung

Reference code from Adafruit Circuit Playground Express "analog_sensor" example and dust sensor on Arduino UNO https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Interface-With-Optical-Dust-Sensor/
// Circuit Playground Analog Sensor Demo
// Shows how to read an analog sensor like temperature, light,
// sound, or even external inputs and convert the analog value
// to color and sound on the board.  Will light up NeoPixels
// with a color proportional to the analog value, and if the slide
// switch is turned to the left will play a music tone proportional
// to the value.
// Code for optical dust sensor refer to https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Interface-With-Optical-Dust-Sensor/

#include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>

// Change the analog input value below to try different sensors:
#define ANALOG_INPUT  A3  // Specify the analog input to read.
                          // Circuit Playground has the following
                          // inputs available:
                          //  - A0  = temperature sensor / thermistor
                          //  - A4  = sound sensor / microphone
                          //  - A5  = light sensor
                          //  - A7  = pin #6 on board
                          //  - A9  = pin #9 on board
                          //  - A10 = pin #10 on board
                          //  - A11 = pin #12 on board
#define ANALOG_INPUT2  A0

// These defines set the range of expected analog values.
// This is used to scale the NeoPixels, sound, etc.
#define VALUE_MIN     0
#define VALUE_MAX     200

// These defines set the range of pixel color when mapping
// to the sensor value.
#define COLOR_RED_MIN    255  
#define COLOR_GREEN_MIN  0
#define COLOR_BLUE_MIN   0

#define COLOR_RED_MAX    0
#define COLOR_GREEN_MAX  0
#define COLOR_BLUE_MAX   255

// These defines set the range of sound frequencies when
// mapping to the sensor value.
#define TONE_FREQ_MIN    523  // C5 note
#define TONE_FREQ_MAX    988  // B5 note

// Initialize and define optical dust sensor
int measurePin = A3;
int ledPower = 2;

unsigned int samplingTime = 280;
unsigned int deltaTime = 40;
unsigned int sleepTime = 9680;

float voMeasured = 0;
float calcVoltage = 0;
float dustDensity = 0;

void setup() {
  // Setup serial port.
  Serial.println("Circuit Playground Analog Sensor Demos!");

  // Setup optical dust sensor

  // Setup Circuit Playground library.

void loop() {
  // Get the sensor value and print it out (can use serial plotter
  // to view realtime graph!).
  uint16_t value = analogRead(ANALOG_INPUT);
  uint16_t value2 = analogRead(ANALOG_INPUT2);
  Serial.println(value, DEC);
  Serial.println(value2, DEC);

// Measure optical dust sensor and print in serial monitor

  voMeasured = analogRead(measurePin);


  calcVoltage = voMeasured*(3.3/1024.0);
  dustDensity = 0.17*calcVoltage-0.1;

  if ( dustDensity < 0)
    dustDensity = 0.00;

  Serial.println("Raw Signal Value (0-1023):");


  Serial.println("Dust Density:");

  // Map the sensor value to a color.
  // Use the range of minimum and maximum sensor values and
  // min/max colors to do the mapping.
  if(value2 < VALUE_MIN)      value2 = VALUE_MIN;
  else if(value2 > VALUE_MAX) value2 = VALUE_MAX;
  int red   = map(value2, VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, COLOR_RED_MIN  , COLOR_RED_MAX);
  int blue  = map(value2, VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, COLOR_BLUE_MIN , COLOR_BLUE_MAX);
  // Gamma correction gives a more linear appearance to brightness ranges
  red   = CircuitPlayground.gamma8(red);
  green = CircuitPlayground.gamma8(green);
  blue  = CircuitPlayground.gamma8(blue);

  // Light up all pixels with the color.
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(1, red, green, blue);
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(2, red-128, green, blue);
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(3, red, green-128, blue);
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(4, red, green, blue-128);
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(5, red-128, green-128, blue);
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(6, red, green-128, blue-128);
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(7, red-128, green, blue-128);
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(8, red-128, green-128, blue-128);
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(9, red-200, green, blue);
  CircuitPlayground.setPixelColor(0, red, green-200, blue);


  // min/max colors to do the mapping.
  if(value < VALUE_MIN)      value = VALUE_MIN;
  else if(value > VALUE_MAX) value = VALUE_MAX;
  // Map the sensor value to a tone frequency.
  int frequency = map(value, VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, TONE_FREQ_MIN, TONE_FREQ_MAX);
  // Play the tone if the slide switch is turned on (to the left).
  if (CircuitPlayground.slideSwitch()) {
    // Play tone of the mapped frequency value for 1000 milliseconds.
    CircuitPlayground.playTone(frequency, 1000);
  // Delay for a bit and repeat the loop.


Kitty Yeung

Kitty Yeung

19 projects • 185 followers
Physicist/Artist/Musician/Fashion Designer/Engineer www.kittyyeung.com
Thanks to J. R. Skok.
