The world is growing day by day towards technology and development. One such sector which has been developing its craze over time is Iot(Internet of Things). Iot is among the first step towards a revolutionary future of mankind. Iot can help everyone around the world to achieve a comfortable lifestyle. But what is Iot referred to?
WHAT IS IOT ?- In 1999, Kevin Ashton coined the term “the Internet of Things.” However, the technology only gained momentum in 2011, after a Gartner report added it to the list of new emerging technologies. Since then, IoT gained global coverage, as more companies worked on advancing and applying it. In the past, people referred to IoT as “embedded internet.”
- Today, IoT technology is embedded in many aspects of our lives. IoT technology is an umbrella term that refers to connected physical and digital components. IoT components can transmit data without the assistance of human mediators. Each IoT component has a Unique Identifier (UID) that makes it recognizable. Iot has wide range of application and one such application is smart homes.
A smart home refers to a convenient home setup where appliances and devices can be automatically controlled from anywhere with an internet connection using a mobile or other networked device. Devices in a smart home are interconnected through the internet, allowing the user to control functions such as security access to the home, temperature, lighting, and other household appliances. Life has become so easy with these technology.
Our plants also need proper care for their well being. Thus that can be also achieved with help of Iot. First let us see how light intensity and temperature affects the growth and existence of plants. Light is an essential factor in maintaining plants. The rate of growth and length of time a plant remains active is dependent on the amount of light it receives. Light energy is used in photosynthesis, the plant’s most basic metabolic process. When determining the effect of light on plant growth there are three areas to consider: intensity, duration and quality. Thus, with a light monitoring sensor we can evaluate whether our plants our getting proper light or not. And connect it to the internet to get a data for the same.
Likewise, temperature is again a important factor for plants. Most plants tolerate normal temperature fluctuations. In general, foliage plants grow best between 70 degrees and 80 degrees F. during the day and between 60 degrees to 68 degrees F. at night. Most flowering plants prefer the same daytime temperature range, but grow best when nighttime temperatures range from 55 degrees to 60 degrees F. Lower nighttime temperatures help the plant: recover from moisture loss, intensify flower color and prolong flower life. Excessively low or high temperatures may cause: plant stress, inhibit growth, or promote a spindly appearance and foliage damage or drop. Cool nighttime temperatures are actually more desirable for plant growth than high temperatures. A good rule of thumb is to keep nighttime temperatures 10 to 15 degrees lower than daytime temperatures. Therefore, temperature can be also analysed and predicted by collecting the data from the sensor and using machine leaning algorithms to predict the temperature of the future.
People all around the world are accepting this technology and making their life easy and comfortable. In this project we will try to incorporate small things like lights, bell, sensors and will connect them to internet using WiFi module. Then further we will operate these devices with help of internet.
Now let us apply one of our project on real life application :-
Prediction graph obtained from temperature sensor (LM35) is given below
The predicted temperature is around 72 degree Celsius which is is very high temperature for a plant to survive especially in deserted regions like Rajasthan, Gujarat, etc. Thus, we need to place our plant inside the home so that excessive heat does not affect its growth.
From this project we have learn that Iot has huge application in industry, domestic usage, agriculture and many more sectors. It is a growing technology which would have a huge control over automation in coming years. Now let us see what are the hardware connections and codes required to build the above project.
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