- Step 1: Assemble the circuit as shown in the schematic given below. You can use the battery pack for powering driver circuit which I have mentioned in the components section or you could try out some other battery pack, but keep it mind it should deliver between 7-12V and at least 3500mAh. Also, use different battery/battery-packs for powering Arduino and the Motor-Driver module, but ensure they share a common ground. Battery is one of the most important thing in this project !
- Step 2: Compile the code given below in the Arduino-IDE and hit upload.
- Step 3: Make the route for the line follower using black electrical-tape. Make sure that you have not inserted sharp turns on the route or else the line follower may malfunction ! Also make sure you use a white-background against the black-route. The lighter the background the more effective is the robot in following up the line.
- Step 4: Now you have gone through all the hard work ! Turn on the toggle switch and watch the robot following the route/line. If the robot fails to do it's work then try adjusting the POT available on IR-module to different values. The sensitivity of IR module depends on background as well as lightning conditions, so also make sure the area in which you're using the robot is well lit.
7 projects • 21 followers
Undergrad Electronics Engineering Student at D.J Sanghvi C.O.E.-Mumbai
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