I though upon making and Bluetooth controlled robot which has robotic arm that you can make easily at home!
So in this way it works.
Youneed to know it :
First of all you will need To program an arduino board with Bluetooth module HC-05... And programming of servo motor and Motor driver L298D dont worry they are all too much easy.....
There are all links of the code and schematic in the description of my YOUTUBE video. Here is the link
Here is the video and its description includes all of the schematics and links to arduino code
I have put the links about all these tutorials in the description of my YouTube video you can see it there...
Servo tutorial as well as robotic hand mechanism all are explained!
I have used three servos. On controls the claw, other controls the arm and last one controls the base of robot. These servos are already programmed in the code "To move to given axis upon completion of particular condition".
DC motors:
To control speed and direction, I have used L298D motor driver that is used to drive the DC motors from Arduino...
They are programmed in code that on sending particular number from android phone, they move in that direction.
Lastly! Configure the app according to the screen shots.. the buttons in the app sends the respective numbers which make one condition true and executes the command in that condition!
Hope you wil enjoy this
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