A Notice Board is a board which is usually attached to the wall or something to display messages or giving information about any thing. In communication, the Bluetooth wireless technology has become very popular and it is one of the fastest growing fields in the wireless technology.
The Synonyms of Notice Board are :- Bulletin Board, Pin Board
Steps to make this project:
1. Gather all components like Arduino Uno, Bluetooth Module, LCD Display, Jumper wires etc.
2. Do connections of LCD Display.
" If you don't know How to do connections of LCD Display, then click on this link of How to Connect 16 x 2 LCD display"
3. After this connect Vcc and GND pins of Bluetooth Module.
4. Now upload the code in Arduino Uno.
5. Now connect Tx and Rx pins of Bluetooth Module with Arduino Uno.
6. Install the Android Application in Android Device.
Now, connect the HC-05 with application and send messages.
Your, wireless Digital Notice Board is ready.
Android Application:-