Patrick Fitzgerald
Published © GPL3+

Marquee Light Demo on Arduino Uno PORTD

All 8 pins of PORTD are available on the IO pins of the Uno board. Let's do some demo sketches that use this byte.

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Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Marquee LED bar arduino

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Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
atmel studio


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Arduino sketch written in C
demos binary patterns on port D
assumes LED bar to view
#define reps 3
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main() {
  DDRD = 0xFF; // PORTD is all output
  while (1) {
    // decimal version of PORTD = 1 then PORTD = 0
    PORTD = 1;         _delay_ms(100);      // PORTD.0 on
    PORTD = 0;         _delay_ms(100);      // PORTD.0 off
    // decimal version of PORTD = 255 then PORTD = 0
    PORTD = 255;       _delay_ms(100);
    PORTD = 0;         _delay_ms(100);
    // binary version of PORTD = 1 then PORTD = 0
    PORTD = 0b00000001;    _delay_ms(100);  // led on
    PORTD = 0b00000000;    _delay_ms(100);  // led off
    // binary version of PORTD = 255 then PORTD = 0
    PORTD = 0b11111111;    _delay_ms(100);
    PORTD = 0b00000000;    _delay_ms(100);
    // hexadecimal version of PORTD = 1 then PORTD = 0
    PORTD = 0x01;      _delay_ms(100);      // led on
    PORTD = 0x00;      _delay_ms(100);      // led off
    // hexadecimal version of PORTD = 255 then PORTD = 0
    PORTD = 0xFF;      _delay_ms(100);      // led on
    PORTD = 0x00;      _delay_ms(100);      // led off
    // shifts single bit from PORTD.0 to PORTD.7
    for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) {
        PORTD = (1 << i);
      for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) {
        PORTD = (128 >> i);
    // masking of bits with |= and &= operators
    for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
      PORTD |= 0b11111111;  _delay_ms(100);   // mask PORTD = all 1s
      PORTD &= 0b11111111;  _delay_ms(100);   // mask PORTD = all 0s
    // alternate pattern
    for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
      PORTD = 0x55;  _delay_ms(100);          // PORTD = 0b01010101
      PORTD = 0xAA;   _delay_ms(100);         // PORTD = 0b10101010
    // mathematical inverse of PORTD is put into PORTD
    for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
      PORTD = !PORTD; _delay_ms(100);


AVR assembly code for Arduino Uno ATmega328p
enables PORTD then binary count
name needs to be .asm extension after download
.include ""
    .def	mask 	= r16	; mask register
    .def	ledR 	= r17	; led register
    .def	oLoopR 	= r18	; outer loop register
    .def	iLoopRl = r24	; inner loop register low
    .def	iLoopRh = r25	; inner loop register high
    .equ	oVal 	= 80	; outer loop value
    .equ	iVal 	= 800	; inner loop value
    .org	0x00
    clr	    ledR		; clear led register to zero
    ldi	    mask,0xFF		; load the mask register 11111111
    out	    DDRD,mask		; set PORTD to all 8 bits OUT
    out	    PORTD,ledR		; write led register to PORTD
    inc     ledR		; increment ledR from 0 to 255
    ldi     oLoopR,oVal		; initialize outer loop count
     ldi    iLoopRl,LOW(iVal)	; intialize inner loop count in inner
     ldi    iLoopRh,HIGH(iVal)	; loop high and low registers
    sbiw    iLoopRl,1	        ; decrement inner loop register
    brne    iLoop		; branch to iLoop if iLoop register != 0
    dec	    oLoopR		; decrement outer loop register
    brne    oLoop		; branch to oLoop if outer loop register != 0
    rjmp    start		; jump back to start


Patrick Fitzgerald

Patrick Fitzgerald

112 projects • 37 followers
