With the recent explosion of shared bikes in global metropolitan areas, there are now tens of thousands of shared bicycles out there. This platform is ideal for beginning an innovative, massive air quality crowdsourcing campaign. There may be more motor vehicles out there but what could be better for monitoring air quality than a bike that's essentially designed to improve it?! Air quality (e.g., particulates, ozone, CO, CO2, CH4) sensors are inexpensive, readily available, and highly desirable for broad mesh networks where they can be intercalibrated. After a successful prototyping project, my goal will be to approach cities and municipalities to seek their endorsement and involvement in this expansion of the Smart Cities concept to pollution-free transportation infrastructure.
Bike ShAir Quality
There are a million billion new shared bikes all over the world but they're only providing transportation—let's add air quality sensors!
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1 project • 2 followers
I am the lead engineer for the Smartfin Project & R&D Engr for Scripps Institution of Oceanography