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Published © GPL3+

Boeing Automated Honeycomb Repair System

A Boeing automated honeycomb repair system.

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)12,787
Boeing Automated Honeycomb Repair System

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Due
Arduino Due
Arduino Breakout Board
8ch Relay Board w/ Breakout

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Microchip AVR Studio

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Milling Machine
4-Axis CNC Machine


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Controls Block Diagram



//************************************** A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E  **************************************
//* Title                   : Automated HoneyComb Repair Tool | Boeing - Defense, Space and Security
//* Version                 : v1.0
//* Last updated            : 3-26-2018 @ 11:30PM
//* Project State           : [X] PROTOTYPE | [] PRODUCTION
//* Target                  : Arduino Due Arm Based @ 84Mhz
//* Supported Clock Speeds  : 84Mhz
//* Client                  : California State University, Los Angeles | Boeing Sponsered Senior Design Project
//* Written By: Allen Analian of Allen Productions Inc., www.allen.dj | (562) 242-8479
//*********************** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - DO NOT DUPLICATE FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES! **********************
// Sorry, this code is proprietary to the project, but it was fully functioning as shown in the timelapse video. Very optimized means were using in motion control and tool-touch sensing etc - ie: no delays, all interrupt based coding. Only 2 libraries were used for this project.
// We just wanted to show the possibilities of using an Arduino Product!




1 project • 6 followers
Senior Electrical / Electronics Engineer with specialization in motion control systems and state of the art building automation solutions.
