A primer on using a Transformer-based model on a low-powered, resource-constrained microcontroller-based wearable that detects falls.
Increase your coding speed, learn more about Arduino libraries, and explore Arduino hardware via AI -- and all from a single editor!
Dive deep into the internals of a Smartphone Accelerometer (MPU-6050), with PINE64 PinePhone and Apache NuttX Real-Time Operating System.
Fall detection prototype with Arduino clients, Raspberry Pi server and Machine Learning.
StarPointer is a DIY virtual electronic finderscope for astronomical telescopes.
A wearable device that seeks to diagnose movement disorders earlier than is presently possible by leveraging machine learning.
An intelligent device for seniors which detects falls and sends emergency alert messages with location information using a cellular network
Use CircuitPython (Adafruit Blinka) and Edge Impulse to collect and train a model using accelerometer data from Avnet's MaaXBoard.
Classify a fan's operational state on the SAMD21 ML Eval Kit using the SensiML Toolkit.
Use data from Wio Terminal built-in accelerometer, perform anomaly detection on-device and then send data to Blynk Edgent Cloud.
Perform gesture recognition on the SAMD21 ML Eval Kit using the SensiML Toolkit.
In this tutorial, we will use machine learning to build a gesture recognition system that runs on a tiny microcontroller, the RP2040.
Arduino framework based App, developed in C/C++, using PlatformIO IDE on VS-Code. (Complete code open source on GitHub).
Beyond historical insights, develop an IoT solution to monitor threatened mammals as elephants with insights based on TinyML in realtime.
How do you tell the difference between a fall and a sudden, normal movement? Train a machine learning model to detect when a fall occurs.
A magic wand that uses machine learning to learn and recognize wand gestures, powered by Arduino Nano 33 BLE, TensorFlow, and PlatformIO.
How to make a dress representing Saturn? The planets and satellites light up when the ring appears.
This little lightbulb turns on when you have a EUREKA moment! Ft. the new TinyCircuits accelerometer and NeoPixel-compatible LED.
Need to debug your code? Got stuck? Stack Overflow doesn't have the answer? Then ask the Dialectic Ball!
An Ikea hack that transforms any surface into an ambient, smart interface using Raspberry Pi, a laser projector, and Android Things.
Sensor-based presence detection for individual workstations: capturing occupancy trends and space utilization in real-time.
Atmel AVR + accelerometer + 4 servo output + 6 Analog IN = Awesome.