Play tennis on a Neopixel matrix and an accelerometer with an Arduino! It's like Mario Tennis meets makers!
Spending $1,000 on suspension repairs because the city failed to fix the potholes? This project makes sure that never happens again.
An IoT device that helps prevent gun suicides through safe monitoring, only allowing access to a safe through a request/approval process.
An intelligent device for seniors which detects falls and sends emergency alert messages with location information using a cellular network
An interactive Cinderella dress that lights up with the wearer's movements.
When it comes to bicycle safety and theft-prevention, The Wingman has your back.
Sphero automatically follows you as you walk around, using your phone as leash.
This IMU-equipped pen is trained to recognize handwritten numbers
This tutorial will take you step-by-step to get your RAK815 module programmed via the Arduino IDE and use the on-board peripherals.
Solar Harvesting LIC Powered vibration monitoring solution makes uses of embedded AI models to classify vibration anomalies for logistics.
EleTect - TinyML and IoT deployed Smart Wildlife Tracking Technology with Audio, Image and Accelerometer deployed model tracking.
Do you have sump pumps? Do you know how often they run? Here we present a non-invasive monitoring solution.
Elephant AI is a set of machine learning algorithms to help in Elephant conservation and protect them from poaching.
An electronic dice that does not take away the thrill of the roll. The motion data from a roll generates a random number shown on LED's.
Atmel AVR + accelerometer + 4 servo output + 6 Analog IN = Awesome.
A wearable which accurately monitors your sitting posture and activities using machine learning and alerts you.
If our pollution adversely affects the environment, then, it's our responsibility to protect the environment, humans, plants, and animals.
Hey techies! Techiesms is back with another amazing project article. This time we breakdown a home security based product.
SensorBoard is a opensource project with GUI.
We wanted to use The Tactigon ONE and T-Skin to move a Arduino One base robot arm and have it follow our movements. Rasberry is central unit
The project gives details on how to inteface MPU6050 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer combined module with PSoC6.
Exciting project to display the direction of tilt using 8x8 led matrix.
This tutorial takes you into the steps required to access the sensors on the RAk itracker module.
I will do an analysis of the Windows operating system (OS) from the point of view of communication with Bluetooth Low Energy devices.