Baby monitor that can also help put your baby back to sleep.
BABL leverages tinyML to distinguish a baby's cry from other noise, preventing false alarms, and alerting parents only when needed.
A smart baby pacifier to monitor baby's body temperature and sleeping activity with the help of a temperature sensor and accelerometer.
A device that prevents caretakers from leaving loved ones in unattended vehicles, which can possibly be unsafe due to the environment.
The combination of ChatGPT, TinyML and Text-to-Audio technologies was utilized to create artificial data for detecting baby crying.
Compact Baby Vital Wearable with HR & SPO2 Monitoring & Alert
Monitor your baby proactively with, Breathing, Rollover, Crying in a smart button.
Sick of looking at your baby monitor all night? Let's convert the PSOC™ 6 AI kit to a baby cry detector and outsource this task to edge AI!
Smart monitor that tracks babies sleep and sleeping environment in order to give them a better sleep quality.
Edge Impulse automatically improves model accuracy with one weird trick!
With the increasing necessity of smart cradles we have devised a solution to make the pre existing cradles and carts iot based smart cradle
WhenDi helps infants' caregivers share context as they hand off responsibility - WhenDid she last eat, sleep, or have her diaper changed?
This project will detect any abnormality in the incubator’s conditions, such as low oxygen levels, high temperature, or irregular heartbeat.
Smart baby monitor to help prevent SIDS
A project presents a scale for newborns to measure weight and height. It is useful, inexpensive, portable and can be easily built and used.