This custom board integrates high-power motor control, wireless communication and efficient power management
Smart BMS for Formula SAE EVs using BQ76PL455 & STM32. Ensures safe cell monitoring, balancing & CAN data—optimized for racing teams!
Dives you into using a Flipper Zero paired with CAN bus Add-On to access and interact with a car's CAN network.
No one has time to play hide and seek with lost/misplaced items, so let's get a robot to find them instead!
This automated car parking system is aimed at managing parking lots efficiently.
A trusted turn-key solution adobted by top-tier autonomous driving companies.
Brake System Plausibility Device is a required non-programmable circuit in Formula Student competitions around the globe.
Python Kivy App, which depicts information from car's CANbus
Create a wheeled robot based on Visual SLAM technology powered by Radxa X4 N100 Board, Realsense D435i camera, Intel Robotics SDK software.
Turn any car into a smart vehicle with voice-controlled infotainment using Arduino Leonardo & DFRobot DF2301Q-hands-free, futuristic
Build a smart line-following robot using Arduino, IR sensors, and motor control—learn key robotics concepts in a fun, hands-on way!
This module allows you to independently manage two motors of up to 2A each in both directions. Supply range may vary between 5V and 35V.
In this tutorial we will make a Gear Shift Indicator using GC9A01 SPI Display, Arduino and Visuino program. Watch the Video!
Control the air/fuel mixture for a better fuel economy of a engine with a Arduino Nano.
The next generation of motor control solutions. Quieter, more efficient, smaller, and more powerful than existing designs.
Build a Bluetooth-controlled car prototype using a smartphone app—learn wireless tech, microcontroller programming, and basic mechanics hand
Implemented LPC2129 microcontroller for Side-light & Head-light tasks, mimicking real car functions with Acceptance Filter Setting.
A servo motor is a type of motor that is designed to provide precise control of position and speed
Use the BW21-CBV-Kit as a BLE peripheral device and communicate with the V7RC mobile application using a servo motor controller.
Delay the automatic switch to LPG on my 2020 Ford Fiesta bi-fuel petrol/LPG (Arduino tricks the ECU).
A scan tool built to read CANBUS data on a vehicle and publish to a dashboard, where the viewer can see steering angle and brake information
Developed a WiFi-enabled Segbot Car that interfaces with a PC to track real-time mouse input using LabVIEW.
Support of renwable transport by new technologies. Make all the objetcs and create a crazy racing like old Le Mans competitions.
This project uses a Pocket Beagle and other components to make a heads up display for any vehicle!