An Arduino controlled car that avoids obstacles (ie. walls or objects in front of it).
This tutorial shows you how to connect Raspberry Pi to CAN Bus (e.g. your car), explaining the role of each part and some recurrent errors.
A simple lane detection system I had developed a while back.
Build a Semi-autonomous, 4WD Raspberry Pi Car with a camera stream!
Track local aircraft traffic in real-time.
Use three HC-SR04 ultrasound sensors and two battery displays to show you how close the obstacles are and from which side.
A versatile & easy to use vehicle platform for hobby-grade projects: You focus on application logic and the library takes care of the rest.
Simplest wifi car controlled by your smartphone using NodeMcu esp8266 and Blynk.
This the Bluetooth controlled car that used HC-05 Bluetooth module to communicate with mobile.
Here I have made 2 wheel obstacle avoiding robotic car
Sleeping on wheels is dangerous sometimes it may converts into fettle accidents. these glasses will alert you when you feeling drowsiness.
Arduino-Android car controlled via Bluetooth module.
Smart Car sets, when combined with L298N Motor Driver Modules, offer one of the easiest ways to make robot cars.
This project is an Arduino gps tracker source code for AVR boards and A9G (GPS/GSM/GPRS) module with spy microphone and google map api...
Detect obstacles through ultrasonic sensors and then avoid them.
We are going to talk about how to Make Internet or Wi-Fi Controller Car Using Esp8266. this can be easily controlled by your smartphone.
A Micro:Maqueen Robot Car.
Hii Dear Friend's !! I hope you are fine... 👌 Today I wiil Show You How To Make Smart Car
In this project, we will build a tiny internet clock connected to your wifi to get time from NTP servers.
Arduino based traffic lights using car lights delay to enable safe pedestrian crossing.
Controlled Arduino toy car by Android application using HC-05 for Bluetooth connection.
The car is moving by two dc motors and turn by setting one motor over bluetooth using Android App on Andriod phone.
Hey guys in this article we will see how to make this simple and amazing Robotic car., If you are a beginner in Robotics you must definitely
A simple obstacle avoiding robot with 3D-printed and salvaged parts.