Send data from Arduino Uno board to ESP32 serially using UART Communication protocol.
An impressive self-setting clock build from extremely simple hardware thanks to the Nano ESP32 and Micro-Python.
This is my take on an open source alternative for a Stream Deck (start at $120). FreeTouchDeck will cost you about $20 including shipping!
This project would show you how to stream the video from ESP32-CAM module to PC and then do the object detection there.
How to make your own spy cam!
Just plug the device with an SD card inside into any USB port. It creates an FTP server where we can send and receive data to the SD card.
ESP32 WiFi to Ethernet Bridge connect your Wi-Fi devices to ethernet. Source code provided.
Update and monitor ESP8266/ESP32 devices with OTA server and user friendly WEB UI.
ESP32 is a low-cost and low power system on a chip microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth.
Wunderpixel is an interactive gadget with a lot of functions to explore.
A little solar-powered E-Ink weather station that fits in a window frame.
You can DIY own style for the name badge and add your unique idea into it. Just like this!
Scan, select, attack any wifi network nearby and get the password.
Create an ESP8266 web server using Arduino IDE.
How to design a nice looking RFID reader based on ESP32 with ILI9341 touchscreen display and for wall mounting.
Create a cool fire simulation effect with Wi-Fi wireless control. An Android app is also ready to play with your creation!
Customizable WiFi connected smart buttons with e-paper display, temperature sensor and one-year battery life. Designed for Home Assistant.
How to monitor distance using an ultrasonic HC-SR04 with ESP32 development board connected to the AskSensors IoT cloud.
Universal telemetry for rc plane with android application, GPS, battery voltage, speed and more with vocal query and vocal answer.
Brew your own beer in a fridge with M5Stack.
A smart electrical outlet that allows customers to rent electricity by paying with Bitcoins.
A C64 emulator on the ESP8266 with NTSC output.
An Android application to control a home automation system.
In this article I will explain how to use the Arduino IDE to create a web server based on ESP32 that allows to turn on/off LED remotely.