We connect a VL53L0X Laser time-of-flight sensor to an Arduino to measure the liquid level in a tank using ToF ranging.
An Arduino Uno project that utilizes a laser to detect when the laser beam has been interrupted.
3d area scanner utilizing off the shelf and 3d printed parts and components.
I taught a class on Communication Systems using programming, machines and Morse code.
Let's build an affordable and open-source dynamic light scattering device for nanoparticles sizing!
Using the VL53LO and an Arduino for distance measurement.
The perfect project for any beginner featuring a simple-to-program but powerful laser module, an Arduino board and basic coding functions.
We show you how to build a 2 axis laser turret aimed with a joystick.
Experience the challenge and thrill of deactivating the system without breaking a laser beam. Built with Arduino, BLE, and DMX lighting.
This project will show you how to make a laser turret.
Make a people counter that detects the number of people who enter the room using lasers and LDRs and control it with an Android app.
FInd ants with a camera, track them and zap them with a laser.
RPLIDAR A1 is a low cost 360 degree 2D laser scanner (LIDAR) solution developed by SLAMTEC.
The cat laser pointer is a playful build you can make at home, to play with your furry friend. Go ahead and make your own!
Build you own Arduino-based laser tachometer for around $10 and learn something while doing it!
No LightScribe, no LabelTag. No hardware hacks or gimmicks. A regular CD-RW drive and a regular compact disk.
This project checks measurements automatically using lasers.
Create 2 tanks and battle them out, using laser light as the ammo!
Hello peepz, I created a little laser alarm from a laser Emitter and a Laser receiver. I used the ky-008 laser.
Tribute to the iconic Pulp Fiction dance scene with this Arduino powered servo animated Diorama
Learn to build your own working IR lasertag weapon using nothing but a common Nerf gun and a Raspberry Pi 3.
Realise your K40 laser's potential with open software for productivity and upgraded hardware for enhanced engraving and cutting quality.
3D print with your NEJE laser engraver. Use 3D printer resin and make a solid plastic part.
Embroidering a freaking laaaaaaseeeerrrrr into clothing ~ Perfect for the holiday season! And it's so bright that it's visible in day light.