A 2-in-1 CNC machine with a rotary tool and a laser module. Project is Moved to arnabkumardas.com/diy-project/cnc-router-laser-engraver/
Some hints and kinks with using Benbox software with an Eleks Laser Engraver kit (such as from GearBest /Banggood).
Let's pick magic chimes out of the air with a LIDAR scanner and an Arduino.
Hunting is great exercise for cats and this random position laser pointer will keep you and the cats entertained.
An effective and cheap way to practice social distancing while standing in queues at public places such as malls, supermarkets, counters, etc
Build a robotic Panther tank that can use a laser pointer to play with a cat! It also uses a custom controller with Bluetooth.
Hack-a-Day logo drawing challenge.
SpacedOut is a real life remake of the old classic Space Invaders arcade game.
Want your dog to play while you're gone? Is he getting enough exercise while you're away? Or do you just want your pooch to have more fun?
Pulse Train HAT controlling laser light show with Raspberry Pi, using PWM and galvanometer scanners.
An advanced state of the art Laser Tripwire using a Particle Argon.
A simple and effective Alexa-based system to provide food and fun to your dog or cat.
Create a fun little laser show with a cheap laser module and some old cell phone vibration motors!
Create your own laser tripwire like in spy movies using two ESP32s, Arduino IDE, a laser and a photoresistor!
Extending Morse Code Transceiver to work with digital data. This project achieves a throughput of 20bps, 2x over Morse code.
Arduino based Laser security alarm
3D Scanning using Structured Light (Slit Scanning) With ESP32 CAM, Line Lazer, coded with Arduino, which communicates to Client Application.
This is environment detect device to collect PM2.5, PM10, temperature, humidity, CO2 and dust particle.
Transmit sound waves through light, LiFi style.
A review of the KY-008 Laser Module from ICStation.
This is an entirely 3D-printed laser scanning microscope using an optical pickup I salvaged from a defective Blu-ray player.
A hand mounted laser controller that when aimed at intelligently crafted targets, can control a smart home, a presentation, etc.
We will learn how to make a laser based security system with Arduino.
This printer uses Arduino UNO as controller, motion mechanism adopts CD-ROM's step motor, print text and graphics by laser.