Connect a rotary dial telephone from the 80s to a cheap cellphone with an Arduino.
In the following project, we'll show you how to make an Arduino-controlled office neighbor shield.
A portable, powerful, and rugged workstation for creating and gaming. Wacom Cintiq display, Mini-ITX build, 4770k delidded, Evga GM 650 PSU.
This innovative CO2 monitor for schools and offices helps to keep the virus away with an all new, yet very familiar design, a Wall Clock.
Using the system multiple persons can share a single toilet efficiently.
Building a touchscreen mouse from scratch is more complicated than you'd think...
A mobile keypad with executable file to link a BLE device and computer. This is customize to the end user because of the executable diver.
A Smart Office Automation System that can detect human presence inside a room and can turn ON and OFF any electrical components.