This is how to make your own LCD timer, just with an Arduino, a LCD screen and some hook-up wires.
A simple way to control a motor with a potentiometer and an Arduino.
Ten LEDs connected to an Arduino Uno and a potentiometer.
A theremin made out of two ultrasonic sensors.
This project will show you how to use a TFT Screen.
This project will show you how to make a robotic arm using four servos (I only focus on coding, I don't have any 3D files to share).
A miniature three degrees of freedom robotic arm that you can even record the movement and loop it!
Do you want to know remaining reading time? This little TinyML Arduino device was trained to do exactly that.
Control the position of the Servo motor with the Arduino and the potentiometer.
What can you do in quarantine when all you have is an old Arduino Uno and some knobs? Check out the simple - but still fun - drum machine.
Use the Arduino analog input function to control the brightness of the LED light by reading input voltage values through a potentiometer.
A new revision for the classic contact less instrument designed in 1920, now ready to jam with configurable scales, pitches and effects.
This project is going to tell How to display the potentiometer Value on LCD.
The idea of the project is to create an cheap version of Lightroom controllers that are on the market and to allow everyone to speed up phot
A 3D-printed, ATmega2560 (Arduino Mega)-based DJ MIDI controller .
This project will show you how to communicate using 433MHz modules.
The main purpose of this project is to check logic gate IC, whether the IC is working properly or not.
I used a potentiometer to control a game's avatar.
Control a virtual gauge using a potentiometer, Arduino and BLE Shield.
High torque servo motors are special, so here is a special tutorial to learn how to use them with Arduino baord.
You can play highly specific frequencies by simply twisting a knob, allowing musicians to easily tune their instruments!
Think about how a numerical value of a potentiometer can be represented using just one character on the 7-segment display.
This project will show you how to set up an Arduino IoT Cloud dashboard and display multiple sensor values.
This is beginners level tutorial, In this tutorial we print Hello World text on LCD display Using Arduino.