A sensitive metal detector which is a great example of cooperation between a microcontroller and an Android smartphone.
In this project, I’ll show you how to build a motorized rotary table for 3D scanning.
This is my next project, a smartphone-controlled Arduino 4WD robot car or Bluetooth Arduino robot.
Uses a smartphone application to control a cursor.
Detect flight data of a drone, like altitude, speed, GPS position and many other. Besides, we can take incredible aerial pictures!
A smartphone App that uses new MIT App Inventor BLE extension to connect with a Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE and control onboard LED
Using the microphone of your mobile phone to control the led cube according to the loudness (decibels).
Turn your traditional fan or broken button thrown in the garage into a super fan controlled by your smartphone.
A smart glove which converts sign language into Alexa commands. Can also be used for speech.
Erase your board according to your smart phone accelerometer sensor values or using the 1sheeld gamepad
Learn to use Bluetooth wireless to control all kinds of AC devices from your smartphone.
Dive deep into the internals of a Smartphone Accelerometer (MPU-6050), with PINE64 PinePhone and Apache NuttX Real-Time Operating System.
Detects a small metal coin at 25 cm and pot lid at 1m distance.
The purpose of this project is to show the design principles of the simplest optical spectroscope.
Alexa and Google Assistant-compatible WiFi sensor and alarm. Works on any flat surfaces: fridge, door, window, garage door, etc.
IoT project RFID Based Attendance System using NodeMCU ESP8266 with Website and Database without any code
With pockets that charge your phone, water-resistant weatherproof fabric, and luminous fabric that will have you stand out!
Ever wanted to create your own phone? Now you can!
Display messages on a TFT screen wherever you are.
You are annoyed because you forget your laundry in your washing machine? Here is the solution! Get notified, when your cloth are done!
Smartphone Minesweeper that sends its GPS location and a photo of the mine captured by the phone to your mail so you can take action!
Want to know when someone opens your mail door? Well look no further, this device will do that for you.
It will start your water motor automatically and stop automatically. Also showing how much fill with water in cm.
'Til now you have used your Google Assistant to answer the questions regarding weather condition, currency rates, direction, date, time, etc