Learn how to set up an ESp32 webserver and control LEDs using a web interface.
Sending data of NCD Long Range IoT Wireless Vibration and Temperature Sensor data to Excel using Node-RED.
Node-RED with IoT Long Range Temperature and Vibration Sensor.
In this, we will measure temperature and humidity using NCD temperature and humidity sensor, ESP32, and Ubidots.
Make Raspberry Pi HATs Wireless & Run Multiple Raspberry Pi HATs Without Multistacking - By Jyoti Singh
A nanoFramework + RAKwireless RAK811 module based LoRaWAN client. Tested on The Things Network (TTN) the Spark NZ networks.
Have your own presenter always with you. You can make wireless one with HARDWARIO and their Push Button Kit. Just follow these instructions.
It started with complaints on constant occupancy of toilets. Later there were some suggestions about developing a smartphone app.
Build an Azure cost monitor with the Adafruit MagTag!
Turning off my ADSL antenna automatically when I don't need it.
A Covid-19 special project. A contactless remote for your Chromecast.
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to control a Servo motor using IR remote and Arduino Watch the Video!
In this tutorial, you will learn how to solve bugs using WisBlock, Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO with simple examples.
A self-sustainable wireless communication device using the kinetic power of water flow is presented.
In this guide you will learn how to program the PIC-BLE and AVR-BLE development boards to write "Hello World" to the LightBlue app
The reel board is an evaluation board with on-board components such as a debug adapter, sensors, battery holder, passive display, and USB.
Sending temperature and humidity data to Google Sheets using Ubidots for predictive analysis.
The Wireless Remote Control for Arduino! Control your projects from up to 1,100 meters away!
Remotely Control Your Very Own 4WD RC Car Via Bluetooth From Your Smartphone!
This project involved using an accelerometer chip and an Orange Pi to wirelessly control a small car.
A code deployer-er remote for building and deploying projects, for the IoT fanatic who can't be bothered to sign into a build server.
Creating email alerts of NCD Wireless Vibration and Temperature Sensor with Node-RED.
Configure Hotspot 2.0 on OpenWRT for seamless, secure Wi-Fi connectivity. Enhance user experience and implement Passpoint effortlessly.
Low power design techniques for up-to 10 years of battery life.