hello everyone,
when am working on solar project which charging battery from an solar I need to monitor the current an voltage going to battery, but I can not put an multimeter all time and watch the data and analyze it from remote area.
so simple thought comes with mixing of soo many things finally am here to publish my project.
IDEAfor power monitoring am using a sensor INA219 a current shunt and power monitor with an I2C- or SMBUS-compatible interface,
am use Arduino again I need to think about remote monitoring because Arduino boards don't having inbuilt Wi-Fi option, so am using an ESP8266-01 because it is a cheap and having i2c, Wi-Fi.
Librariesyou need to install below libraries to Arduino software
Firebase Arduinoit is an website which provides a host to store and retrieve the real time data from cloud. it can be compatible with Arduino Software
you can get this library by below link
ESP Configurationbelow link get ESP8266-01 library
FINAL CIRCUITEconnection is so simple, but we need to connect all grounds to one point so that sensor will reads load Voltage also.
ANDRIOD APPusing an MiTAPP inventor website I builded this App, it will directly connect to Firebase Host And reads the data from it.
reset button will restart the ESP8266-01 module using software resetting, and I try to make an graph which represents the VI characteristics. ( unfortunately I don't have time to complete the graph option but still show it )