It's a problem to take the car in reverse and many time people bump it into other cars or garage wall. My dad often ask me to assist him while parking car. But, what if you are driving alone and there is no one to assist you? There comes the Arduinomated car parking assistant which will work on 1Sheeld+ and Ultrasonic distance sensor which will tell you about how much distance is there between your car and obstacle without seeing backwards with a voice assistant; means you don't have to look backward nor into a screen.
What is 1Sheeld?1sheeld is a stackable Arduino UNO shield used by in projects which can substitute and many components and make the work easy for wireless connections between an smartphone and the Arduino using a single App available for Android and iOS both.
Tech Specs:
- 1Sheeld+ uses a standard HM-10 Bluetooth low energy adapter (BLE 4.0)
- 7.37 MHz operating frequency
- Range up to 30 feet
- Communicates with Arduino using UART
- Supports iOS versions starting 9.0 and up.
- Supports Android versions starting 4.3 and up.
Note: I am assuming that almost all the people know about the Ultrasonic Distance sensor.
Building ConnectionsConnections for this are very easy.
- Put the 1Sheeld+ on the Arduino Mega2560.
- Now, connect the VCC and GND pin of the distance sensor with the 5 V and GND pin of Arduino respectively.
- Connect echo pin to pin 11 and trigger pin to pin 13.
- Download the 1Sheeld app from the Playstore/iTunes.
- Connect your smartphone to 1Sheeld via Bluetooth.
- Select Text to Speech in the App.
- Remember to install the 1Sheeld library before you start uploading the code. Click here to get the library. You can also install it through Arduino IDE. Go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries > Enter "One Sheeld" and install the library.
- Go to Tools > Boards > click on "Arduino Mega ADK".
- Upload the sketch to the board.
- Now, test the project by using a book, cardboard, etc as an obstacle and connect the App with 1Sheeld.
- Change the delay time in delay() function to calibrate the speech time.
Now, you can put it on the bumper of your car with tape and test it.
Sketch uses 27104 bytes (10%) of program storage space. Maximum is 253952 bytes. Global variables use 2063 bytes (25%) of dynamic memory, leaving 6129 bytes for local variables. I would suggest you to use Mega or higher board. UNO don't have much memory!
Have a good day! Try it and comment, respect and follow!
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