Please ensure your LinkIt 7688 (duo) and NAS is under the same LAN.
1. Configure your device1.1 Getting started- What will you need
1. LinkIt 7688 (Duo)
2. Power Supply:
The LinkIt 7688 is powered by a USB Micro power supply with at least 1A at 5V.
3. Wi-Fi AP
- Power on your LinkIt 7688(Duo) Power (PWR) connector, not the USB host (HOST) connector near the MPU reset button. The green ON LED (Power on) will light up, followed by a blink from the orange Wi-Fi LED (bootloader initialization). After about 5 seconds, the device boot up starts and the orange LED will light up solid for about 30 seconds.
- Turn on the AP mode
--> After boot up, the Wi-Fi LED will turns off. This means the system is ready to accept a Wi-Fi connection.
--> If not, press the Wi-Fi Reset button for at least 5 seconds and release to turn on the AP mode.
Consult the below image for the Wi-Fi LED Status and System Status. (image source : Media Tek Lab)
- Go to your Wi-Fi settings and choose "LinkIt_Smart_7688_XXXXXXX". (where “XXXXXXX” is the MAC address of your LinkIt 7688 (Duo)).
- Once you join the LinkIt Smart Network, open "http://mylinkit.local" or "" in your web browser
--> In the log in page, set a password (or enter a previously-set up password).
--> The default username is root.
- After logging in, go to the "Network" tab and select "Station Mode" to set up the Wi-Fi AP you will connect to. Your PC and LinkIt must be on the same network. Click "CONFIGURE & RESTART".
- Change your PC network to the same as the LinkIt network.
For further information on setting up a LinkIt 7688(Duo) setup guide, visit:
2. Create your device in QIoT Suite Lite2.1 Install QIoT Suite Lite- QIoT Suite Lite can be installed from the App Center.
- Launch and log in to QIoT Suite Lite. The default username and password is "admin".
IoT Applications are a combination of Things, Rules, and Dashboards. We recommend that you first create a “Things” in IoT Application. This IoT Application allows you to keep a record of all of the devices that are connected to your NAS.
Rules make it possible to build IoT applications that gather, process, analyze and act on data generated by connected devices. Rules can apply to data from one or many devices, and it can take one or many actions in parallel.
Dashboards turn your data into analytics and reports that provide rela-time insight.
All these elements provide user a complete IoT Application environment.
- Click "IoT Applications".
- Click "Add IoT Application".
- In "Create a New IoT application":
--> Enter the IoT Application name (for example: "myApp").
--> The Rule name and Dashboard name will be automatically generated based on the IoT Application name.
--> Click "Create".
- Click "+ Add Thing" to add this application’s device.
- Click "Add Thing", In "Add Thing":
--> Enter a name for your device name (for example: "linkIt") and enter the device information (such as serial number and manufacturer) in Add attribute.
--> If your device is already supported by QIoT (Arduino Yun,Raspberry Pi, Edison, and LinkIt 7688 (Duo)), choose a pre-defined Thing Type.
--> Click Add.
- Click "Thing Resource":
- In "Thing Resources", click "Add Resource":
- In "Add Thing Resource":
Enter the name and ID for the sensor in Resource Name and Resource ID. Please note that the Resource ID will be used to create a Topic in the QIoT Broker. This ID should be unique for the device and no duplicates should be allowed for the same device.
- If you need to add more resources repeat the preceding steps. Click "Close" when finished.
- Go to the "Dashboard" tab, and a sample dashboard will be created
- Go to the Rule tab to define the flow or rules on how to process the data sent from the device, and how to present in a dashboard.
For further more settings information about QIoT, visit
QNAP QIoT Suite Lite :