It is a self guided rover which is work based on GPS data. In this rover no need to control rover by any external device.
Voice Control Robot using Arduino, L293d shield, Hc 05 Bluetooth Module and MIT App inventor for Android Application
Self-driving rover using computer vision and deep learning to identify and clean up small pieces of trash.
Who does not love gaming? Racing and fighting in the virtual world of PlayStation and Xbox! Let's bring that fun to real life!
Have you ever wanted to find your lost car in the snap of a finger? Well then look no further, the Carduino can solve this problem!
A smart way to track, control and protect your vehicles with a mobile app.
This project was done to create an understanding of IoT and how one can step into it.
Build a "speed trap" that uses ML to identify vehicles, a radar sensor to measure speed, and a cellular module to report data to the cloud.
This device automatically detects and uploads the location of road hazards, creating a safer driving environment!
A waveboard with a personality. Keep him entertained!
Drives automatically or control it with browser (with video), Xbox One controller and speech. Run on MinnowBoard Quad with Windows IoT Core.
Arduino-Android car controlled via Bluetooth module.
In this tutorial, we're going to get your plain old RC to be controlled by Android and give it some extra features!
Mount in front of your garage to help you park at teh exact right distance.
The terrain vehicle which is managed with raspberry pi, arduino and controlled via android software.
A website that shows the Empty car parkings available of a particular store or shopping mall.
Car Washing Machine built with fischertechnik piece. Thanks to a laser scanner, it adapts to different types of cars.
A toy car controlled by mobile.
We're gonna start a friggin DeLorean automatically when the user enters the car, using an Intel Edison and Grove Kit!
Build an obstacle avoidance car using Raspberry Pi.
Robot-tank PiTanq now can use GPS to reach a point on a map!
This four wheeled car can be controlled through a node web server where a custom camera view can be displayed.
Smart system for analyzing the driving skills of a person using IOT and Cloud Computing powered by Mediatek LinkIt One
Smart Car sets, when combined with L298N Motor Driver Modules, offer one of the easiest ways to make robot cars.