Build a Bluetooth-controlled car prototype using a smartphone app—learn wireless tech, microcontroller programming, and basic mechanics hand
A device that keeps your car from turning on until a good glucose readings is received.
This robot car's motion is controlled by the direction you tilt your hand, with a gripper that opens and closes when you bend your fingers.
Our project AutonomiX Innovators presents a smart car that expertly self-navigates for a safer, seamless driving experience.
Implemented LPC2129 microcontroller for Side-light & Head-light tasks, mimicking real car functions with Acceptance Filter Setting.
We designed a lane-keeping R/C car using a Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and a singular eye (camera).
This is a 4-wheel robot with an esp8266 microcontroller and controlled with smartphone gestures using the app
It can be used to play car racing games or experience driving a real car. It can be used to drive an RC car using real controls.
A robot which measures the user's body temperature, decides 'happy' or 'sad', and draws either a smiley or frowny face.
Arduino Powered Fire Fighting Bot
Making a smart car kit smaller.
Ever wanted a robot to find cookies for you? Well now, that's possible. WARNING: Robot may develop cookie addiction
A servo motor is a type of motor that is designed to provide precise control of position and speed
A robot car that can avoid blockage has been designed in this project
A project of dying a motor with brief steps.
Robot car that uses a microphone array and a camera to detect sound direction, distinguish between sounds and track colors
This sound system will measure the temperature, acceleration, and sound emitted from any engine.
A project by a team of students from Hebei University of Technology
Design a fully customizable remote-controlled car, controllable via Arduino, utilizing the components of your choice.
A simple solution to end police chases while avoiding endless debates.
Paradox RoboRumble Robot
Perfect for you :D
Creating an autonomous self driving car that uses lanekeeping and stops at "stop boxes".
A parking sensor that can let drivers know when a parking lot is full or has vacancies.