Track local aircraft traffic in real-time.
An Arduino car project based on the RoboRoverM1 chassis.
Why are even the modern day cars are not equipped with biometric entry system? Here is an attempt on a Toyota C-HR.
Use three HC-SR04 ultrasound sensors and two battery displays to show you how close the obstacles are and from which side.
A small car based on Arduino platform which can be controlled using Bluetooth and a Android app.
It's a simple project done by using Arduino Uno R3. Now I'm trying to modify its functionality.
CAN bus hack for reading the battery diagnostics form an electric car.
A GPS tracker for your car, motorcycle, bike and flying saucer, with data storage and map visualization. Not too hard, but no easy either...
A versatile & easy to use vehicle platform for hobby-grade projects: You focus on application logic and the library takes care of the rest.
Internet connected car stereo with obd 2 and remote start.
MKR WiFi 1000 talks to a car through OBD-II interface, and uploads the data to IoT cloud for real-time monitoring and post-processing.
Using OpenCV on Raspberry Pi, Check if somebody's in my parking spot! Use the power of the cloud to notify me.
Build a car hacking spy device to remotely read and send CAN commands and track GPS location. All based on open source software/hardware.
Simplest wifi car controlled by your smartphone using NodeMcu esp8266 and Blynk.
Reverse engineering CAN bus data from an EV.
Line follower robot using Arduino.
This the Bluetooth controlled car that used HC-05 Bluetooth module to communicate with mobile.
Using an old car keyfob and a Particle Electron, you can remotely lock and unlock your vehicle.
Here I have made 2 wheel obstacle avoiding robotic car
An IT system that manages cars' access to a parking garage by using RFID technology.
Ever want to say thanks to the nice person who just let you in line? I have thought a lot about that, and here is my solution.
CoolMOS based isolated AC or DC load controller with ZVS switching and short circuit, overload, over/under voltage & frequency protections
Sleeping on wheels is dangerous sometimes it may converts into fettle accidents. these glasses will alert you when you feeling drowsiness.
Using Arduino and Android