The smart tunnel prevents further outspread of COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2. It can disinfect a person fully in a time span of just 15 seconds.
AI device for mass fever screening.
Lora network based covid-19 patient monitoring device.
We created an affordable, at-home kit to extend the life of masks so you can join the fight against the pandemic by helping your community.
Neural Network Algorithm to detect people wearing face masks and take actions accordingly
A machine that consists of a face mask sanitiser (using UV LEDs), an automatic hand sanitising machine and an ARM MCU that checks vitals.
The affordable autonomous robot provides localization and mapping facilities and safely navigate the robot through the environment.
A summary of how I helped my favorite local coffee shop adapt to the new way of contactless business during COVID-19 using an FPGA.
Touchless door handle mechanism that can be used in every door just replacing the standard handle. Very useful for people with disabilities.
A prototype of robot that can disinfect surfaces using UV-C rays and automatically turns off if it detects human motion.
A robot to disinfect public places and hospitals in a cost-effective way utilizing ultraviolet lights.
A 4-wheeled rover to transport emergency supplies to infected people without any risk, thanks to an over-4G Flask joypad control and camera.
This is a device that is used for touchless hand disinfection. When the hands are moved to the unit, the sprinkler starts automatically.
Mask are crucial to minimize the chance of being infected or transmitting the virus, It is important to detect people who doesn't use it.
Hands-Free Foot Operated Hand Washing, Tissue, Trash Bin and Sanitizing System.
Put it on, Pull the Tab, Feel it vibrate/electrically pulse before you touch your face.
A contact-less temperature measurement booth using face detection and helping people what to do next if high temperature is detected.
An Arduino project that disinfects elevators.
The objective is to decompress clinics and hospitals to reduce the time of exposure of health personnel to the COVID-19 virus(Based M5Stack)
Mixing existing technologies and creativity, the device is one of a kind and aims to help hospitals during the pandemic.
Like any virus, COVID-19 travels along vectors that can be predicted if you have spatial location data and a Web and Mobile APP to display.
CovidTestDrone enables self-administered COVID-19 tests to be delivered within minutes to patient’s homes via drone delivery.
Safely control a UV-C disinfection light over Bluetooth.
This innovative CO2 monitor for schools and offices helps to keep the virus away with an all new, yet very familiar design, a Wall Clock.