AI Oximeter Using ESP32 & Edge Impulse
Your personal doctor at your fingertips!
First eHealth robotic arm approach based on Seeed Studio reTerminal, myPalletizer and Seeeduino XIAO
An intelligent device for seniors which detects falls and sends emergency alert messages with location information using a cellular network
A pocket-sized medical device based on TinyML application using Edge Impulse to predicts the Covid patient's health conditions.
A TinyML based Medical device powered by Edge Impulse to predict Atrial fibrillation, AV Block 1 and Normal ECG with >90%.
AI-based pneumonia classifier using Edge Impulse which can run on cheap devices consuming less than 1 mW.
Memory Pill passively records the last time a medication bottle was opened to prevent accidental over- and underdosing of medications.
Building a digital stethoscope under $1. Using AI for diagnosing respiratory symptoms, and empowering doctors via telemedicine for COVID19.
Using Kemet SS-430 to count push up.
Rehabilitation system based on SmartEdge Agile which detects rehabilitation movements and gives feedback to the patient.
An assistive technology for individuals affected by nervous system disorders like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
Using Ultra96 and NCS to detect and classify skin cancer.
A team from Shanghai Tongji University made a healthcare robot with LattePanda and RealSense camera.