Hand Wash Reminder is a Hand Band which reminds you to wash your hands after every 20 minutes.
A pocket-sized medical device based on TinyML application using Edge Impulse to predicts the Covid patient's health conditions.
Combination of smart building and wearable to monitor patient well-being to improve patient care service.
AI-based pneumonia classifier using Edge Impulse which can run on cheap devices consuming less than 1 mW.
This project aims at measuring parameters of a patient such as his or her heart rate, temperature, humidity, and the air quality using IoT.
Plantoolighter is a system which redirect sunlight to the plants which are adjacent to garden wall and unable to get proper sunlight.
Simplifying a previous project by using Arduino IDE and bypassing cloud configurations.
How to make a IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System How to create a human health monitoring system
A LoRaWAN pill organizer integrated with medical health record that enables care givers to monitor usage.
A digital thermometer that can measure the temperature and display on a webpage over WebSockets.
Learn efficient sitting workouts, detect your mouvements with Teachable machine AI and let micro:bit count your mouvements authomatically.
Temperature, humidity and CO2 level inside a face mask were checked before and after 30min of being inside an appartment and outside.
The app helps you to have a break after every 30min of work and continuosly provides info about luminoscity, t°, humidity, air pressure
Memory Pill passively records the last time a medication bottle was opened to prevent accidental over- and underdosing of medications.
Using Kemet SS-430 to count push up.
Creating E-health care system that allows easier, better, and faster communications between patients, doctors, and hospitals.
Heat brings along challenges for the differently-abled. Let's build a bladeless fan, wireless pacemaker and communication aid to help them!
The way a hospital call bell system should be. System uses Alexa Voice Services and Alexa Skill Kit to be the center of a call bell system.
With the pandemic COVID-19, the world started to review its habits. This project presents a touch less hand sanitizer to support us!
Design and build a system to monitor free-fall status using the Microchip AVR-IoT WG Development Board.
Your personal health dashboard using a Raspberry Pi, controlled by your iPhone. No coding required.
This will show you how to connect a Heart Rate Pulse Sensor to your Raspberry Pi running Windows 10 IoT Core.
Elderly and ill people always need special care. What do you think about making a device that calls for help anywhere in world?
Monitoring your vitality on the go with BLE5.0, AI & a bunch of cool sensors..