The ancient spirits of rhythm have manifested themselves into three tiki masks. Their musical magic flows through those who wear them.
A mask with a LCD display for people to talk and avoid take it off, because somebody take it off mask for speak something.
This mask was created with the Lilypad Protosnap Plus board and Arduino coding. It has 6 colorful LEDs that blink the shape of a smile.
If you want to play without a mask in a sports hall, then you need an arduino based area surveillance.
A tinyML vision model that can classify pictures of people based on whether they are wearing a mask or not.
This project alerts you that you should put a mask when you go outside from home or office.
We are the Mechanical team for EasyBreathe and we focused on the design and fabrication of the physical interface of the electronic mask.
This is the 1st version of a wearable APC, following Janw's diagram that allows an external Voltage Control.
With the flip of a switch this face mask lights up and blinks to show a smile.
Building a LED Mask so you can interact with people and allow them to read your lips with the mask on. Fun Arduino project!