A Rock-Paper-Scissors game where a human wearing a sensor-equipped glove plays against a mechanical robot hand.
A really useful thin actuator for your Projects
After a year of hard work, I finally built a quad robot that’s RC-controlled and equipped with a BB gun to hit targets! 🎯
In this tutorial we are going to read stepper motor positions from the SD card where we saved a text file with the amount of steps.
I plan to make a few videos in which I could use such a device, but there is a problem, namely the price
I added wireless single-axis joystick control to a BaseCam gimbal control board using 2 x ESP32-S3 dev boards over Bluetooth Low Energy!
Motor Driver powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico, uses a Mosfet as switch setup to run motor.
You will learn to drive a DC motor, control its speed using a potentiometer, and know about basic Swift language.
Subscriber counter that shoots Fireballs ever 10 subs.
In this tutorial you will learn how to Control Linear Servo Actuator with Potentiometer and Arduino using Visuino program.
Check out how HVPAK IC can be configured as an integrated smart lock motor driver with dynamic overcurrent detection.
Made some edits to my previous LATTEintosh Project, added a dedicated cooling fan unit for cooling the LATTEPANDA SBC.
Use Radio Control to control two big motors work as tank or Lawn Robot without coding
This project helps to invest unipolar stepper motor by using 4 MOSFET Hexabitz modules.
Now a days robotic are smart with AI they help more to human and ease their task. It also helpful in agriculture, medical, markets, etc.
Securing the STEM library in smart way with tracking and tech things.
A robot car that can swing up and balance on its front wheels, while launching a catapult at the same time.
We are going to make a simple Project to see the statistics (Subscribe) of youtube channels on a small and cool gadget.
In this Simple tutorial, you will learn how to control the linear actuator using the Light sensor module, Arduino and L298N DC motor driver.
Refurbish of an EV Bicycle I found on the street to making run again as new
The bed enhances mobility by enabling care-givers to easily move the disabled to places by simply pressing buttons on the remote controller.
This project is a lively desktop replica model of a man riding on a bicycle. Powered by a Cherry Tart, it's DIY, fun, and interactive.
Hello, Have you ever wanted to use the BBGG and MBR alongside each other when promoting Stepper Motor Control?
A simple way to control two motors with a joysticks without coding. we can control them as mixed mode or independent mode