Mercury is an ESP8266 based development board. This tutorial explains how to setup Mercury board on Arduino IDE
Learn how to achieve smooth operation with precise velocity and position control using the IFX007T and magnetic angle sensor TLE5012B.
This project allows to open nearly every door via Bluetooth Low Energy, while idling for years on batteries.
Closed loop universal motor control system using PID algorithm.
Minimalist NEMA 17 robot wheeled platform using just the Arduino and Ramps 1.4. 1:8 gear ratio using printed pulley and closed GT2 belt
This is my next project, a smartphone-controlled Arduino 4WD robot car or Bluetooth Arduino robot.
Minimalistic Emergency ventilator with fine control over BPM, tidal volume and flow rate, with a digital interface.
A quick tutorial on how the use the L298N Motor Controller with DC motors
The making of a large 3D printer (400x400x400 mm) for a college project.
A firefighter Arduino autonomous robot which is capable of detecting, approaching and extinguishing fire.
Control a NEMA 17 stepper motor with an L293D shield via Arduino for precise, reliable movements in your projects.
Nox is a nice (and time-consuming) robot which uses SLAM (ROS) with a Kinect to navigate in its environment.
Make a program for the Arduino Pro Mini in Visual Studio to control motor speed with PID which can archive it exactly.
Use a PID Controller to monitor a wheel's speed and consistently reach the desired RPM.
A simple way to control a motor with a potentiometer and an Arduino.
The image extraction is based on a novel algorithm which effectively works with the encoding system of the robot movement.
This article describes the design process, development and assembling operation of the underwater drone prototype powered by Raspberry Pi.
In this article we discuss about how to Servo motor interface with Arduino Uno
In this tutorial, you will learn how to drive DC, stepper and servo motors using an Arduino L293D motor driver shield.
This is a model circuit that can control the speed and the direction of a dc motor without the h-bridge ( it's an alternative to h-bridge ).
In this project, you can learn how to control servo motor using serial monitor.
Simple Raspberry Pi web-controlled robot with video live streaming.
An 11mm diameter motor made from a printed circuit board.
This is a project controlling a motor.