A small car based on Arduino platform which can be controlled using Bluetooth and a Android app.
It's a simple project done by using Arduino Uno R3. Now I'm trying to modify its functionality.
A basic model train layout containing a passing siding with a train running around and stopping in an automated sequence.
Full procedure with theory explaining the concept behind a line follower robot
Control the servo motor by using the ultrasonic sensor.
Arduino Stepper Motor Barometer with additional displays for last 3 & 6 hour pressure changes.
I designed this stepper motor with eight electromagnets, six neodymium magnets, with a 3d printed rotor and stator housing.
Use an Arduino MKR1000 to maintain a constant temperature in a charcoal smoker and allow monitoring over Wifi,
Replacement for broken mechanical timer of a washing machine with electronic timer.
This project will show you how to make a robotic arm using four servos (I only focus on coding, I don't have any 3D files to share).
Allows precise control of the throttle speed and the ability to run pre-programmed trolling routines.
This is my homemade CNC machine using Arduino, Easydrivers and old CD-Rom(s). I use Grbl and G-Code sender to execute the G-Code.
Billy Bass and Alexa combine in this project to form a full bodied virtual assistant.
Learn how to make a simple line follower robot by using Arduino and very basic electronic components. It is a fully autonomous robot.
Simply the machine has four types of candies and each type has it's special code, you should tweet with this special code to get your candy.
Base project for implementing DC motor control using the Raspberry Pi's I2C interface and an Adafruit 16-Channel Servo Shield.
We always face the situations that we want to have full control (dimming) over an AC load such as a lamp, a motor, vacuum cleaner, etc.
Who does not love gaming? Racing and fighting in the virtual world of PlayStation and Xbox! Let's bring that fun to real life!
Here's an easy six-step tutorial on how to build your own Arduino cocktail machine! It is relatively easy and cheap to build so let's begin!
This project is a template for controlling a motor through a particle photon over the cloud. It can be expanded to use more motors.
Build a line follower using an LM324N with a backup Arduino Nano.
In this project we will learn how to use step motor with code.
It shows how to use a stepper motor, an easy way to rotate a camera, sensor and many other thing.
I made this RC car with an Arduino Uno, which I control via an HC-05 Bluetooth module. The project is now in its initial state.