Indoor golf terrain which is supported by electrical jacks and controlled by Arduino and Pi to move jacks and make terrain of your choice.
Disassemble an old printer (in this case a dot matrix) and drive the stepper motor(s) for linear motion or rotation. With Arduino.
Don't stumble around looking for the light switch, turn it on before you walk inside using a bluetooth-enabled android phone!
This is a homemade automatic cat feeder instruction. Simple to use and easy to build, no special tools or materials are needed.
CNC machine control with GRBL breakout board for Arduino Uno.
I'm not as lonely as this project would leave you to believe lol. Easy to make auto swiper for Tinder/Bumble!
Robot is an electromechanical device which is capable of reacting in some way to its environment, and take autonomous decisions or action...
Hello all, I hope you are doing good and safe. I'm here with another very cool project which you can build using some scrap/ used parts.
An IoT solution to hack drifting. Gameification built around proximity sensors. Leaderboards by location. Drift into the Future!
Our dynamometer tests the performance of stepper motors and their drivers by applying customizable load torque profiles through a GUI.
Make your own quadruped robot with Arduino, 3D-printed, and Lego-compatible parts.
A 4-wheeled rover to transport emergency supplies to infected people without any risk, thanks to an over-4G Flask joypad control and camera.
Can create and print pattern or drawing design automatically in complete with motor rotation speed setting.
Using the Arm DesignStart FPGA Cortex-M3 to control a simple wheeled robot. Also known as getting started with DesignStart FPGA & Cortex-M3.
In this article, you will learn how to control DC, Stepper, and servo motors by Arduino and L293D.
This diagram will show you how to drive a DC motor using an Arduino. Normally, an Arduino digital pin can only provide 5V 20mA current.
This is a self-contained 3D-printable rover track that can be reused on your projects.
An easy way for controlling the rotation speed of a DC motor by using PWM signal from arduino and a NPN transistor
Motor driver circuit with some power saving features.
This will teach you basic things you need to know about servos.
In this tutorial, we'll be looking at how to power and drive a DC motor with an L293D and an Arduino.
This project shows how I used the Kria KR260 & Edge Impulse to transform the Land Rover Defender Lego Technic kit into an autonomous robot.
Erase your board according to your smart phone accelerometer sensor values or using the 1sheeld gamepad
Use three stepper motors to make the classic analog clock movement in the opposite direction.