In this writeup, I'm going to tell you, how you can make a simple mimicking robotic arm using Arduino and Servo motors,
When someone goes for a quick facial tissue, the box moves away unexpectedly!
The older members among you can still remember DVD-ROM drives well: let's take another look at the inner values of a past technology.
Hii Dear Friend's !! I hope you are fine... 👌 Today I wiil Show You How To Make Smart Car
Raspberry Pi controls two fans using the L293D as the motor driver
Enhance your table tennis skills with our ball smasher machine, which provides easy control via an Android app.
By setting up Raspberry Pi as a web server, you can connect your HTML page to control GPIO pin.
Now you can easily control your model railway layout using a keyboard!
The purpose of the project is to design and manufacture a wireless automatic guitar tuner.
Bored of the old servo control board? No feedback? No precision? A thousand wires to manage? Well, no more!
This project is a practical robotic arm that is stable, consistent and easy to use without motor shield or sensor shield. It has a low cost
OpenVent is a an open source design for an electric controlled AMBU-bag based ventilator to be built locally everywhere.
My take on the timeless split flap display from old train stations. Controlled using A4988 motor drivers and an Arduino Uno.
Engine vibration produces a certain shape of spectrum. We found this using an accelerometer, Arduino, and FFT (MATLAB).
An intelligent device that helps you to drink a hot, tasty tea.
You can make Bluetooth Fan!!
I wanted to convert an old Furby into a famous writer animatronics bot that will interrupt my daily work with wise remarks.
This instruction will show how to control motor position via Local web network.
Ultimate getting started guide to easily understand how stepper motor work and how to properly control using an Arduino board
I have revamped the control system of this 20-year-old 5DOF articulated robotic arm with TP controls and programming interface integrated.
Automatic fish feeding machine built with MSP430.
Design and testing of WormGear Mechanism Fitted over servo motor.
Motor driven is the key of automation. In this chapter, I try to show how Raspberry Pi control ABB motor Driver by using RS485.
In this article, we want to take a deeper look at L293D.