Learn to recreate the classic mobile game 'Flappy Bird' using Arduino Nano! Dive into coding and electronics for fun and creativity.
USB pedals (or any other momentary switches) who emulates keyboard keypress or combination of keys. Handy to use with video edition software
Try Viam's software platform by taking over a rover in our robotics lab for 15 minutes.
DoctorGPT-based MiniGPT-4 excels in kidney tumor detection with 93% sensitivity and 86% specificity, surpassing CNN models in accuracy.
A modular Tamagotchi-inspired project with games and apps, running on an mbed NXP LPC1768 microcontroller. Customize and play!
Documenting efforts to deploy Frog sensors on the Ribbit Network in and around Seattle, Washington, USA.
A video demonstrates how to create an RTOS project for STM32F103RB by using the RT-Thread Studio #IDE.
Enables in-system debugging of digital circuit designs on the GateMate FPGA during runtime.
Need to measure lux diffusion through tissue relative to pressure? Well here is the system for you!
In this project, infrared sensors are attached to the open-source robot Lily∞Bot to use for obstacle avoidance, object sensing.
Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun.
How the maker community is simplifying resin 3D printing through crowdsourcing.