Transferring data to/from the Zynq's FPGA is an essential ingredient for integrating custom accelerators.
This project is the real-time bus arrival alarm device based on WIZnet WIZwiki-W7500 mbed IoT platform board. It includes two types display.
Lets get started with some basics! The Open Source Flashlight Kit is designed to be your first soldering and 3D printing project!
Using the Zybo Z7, I demonstrate how to access GPIO in Genode and how to load a custom bitstream at boot time.
Open-source embedded system hardware, including digital & analog boards, and Linux software to improve the accessibility of EV charging.
This is a basic tutorial about booting the Genode OS Framework on Zynq-7000-based hardware.
gBridge allows you to use smart voice assistants to control any platform, like embedded systems or open source home automation software.
This project is to make the Scuttle robot to maintain its balance on two wheels by only modifying its default shape and using MPU6050 sensor
It started with complaints on constant occupancy of toilets. Later there were some suggestions about developing a smartphone app.
Simple implementation of CAN BUS logger with Raspberry Pico and MCP2518FD.
This tool is able to predict bitcoin price for next day using OpenVino toolkit.
A walkthrough of the basics using the EMQX open-source MQTT broker. Learn how to install, create users, connect, publish, and subscribe.
Install free Apps from our app store and turn your router into an IoT hub, a VPN gateway, Cloud storage and much more.
‘Home Surveillance’ project is aimed at monitoring home using remote-controlled webcam interfaced to 96Boards CE board.
A photobooth based on the 96Boards Dragonboard410c.
Real time requirements, but constrained edge device? Check this small but powerful RTOS!
The Multi-Control board is equipped with keyboard function, which is to realize the same function as keyboard, so we make a carrot keyboard.
A 30$ smart vest exclusively for menopausal women.
Did you ever want to have a nice LED blink off and on while OpenCV recorded video from your WebCam?
A short article which informs about Openstack - a virtualization technology.
In this blog we will see how to use open source FPGA toolchains like APIO, IceStrom, yosys OssCAD etc. And we will programme a ULXS3S FPGA
Using the Zybo Z7, I demonstrate how to access MMIO devices in Genode and howto switch bitstreams at run time.
Voltage: 0-3.3V, Frequency: 1Hz-10kHz 3 Sampling Modes: auto, normal and single time 2 Trigger Modes: rising edge and falling edge
I implemented an IP core that restricts DMA transactions to certain addresses and integrated support for it into the Genode OS Framework.