Faster than real-time! Based on Mozilla's DeepSpeech Engine 0.9.*
Set up Amazon's Alexa on a Raspberry Pi with a MATRIX Voice. Use the MATRIX mic array together with a third-party wake word engine.
Controls a few LEDs using an Arduino and Speech Recognition.
Control your robot using Windows 10 IoT Core Speech Recognition.
Shows how to build a 2WD (two-wheel drive) voice-controlled robot using an Arduino and BitVoicer Server.
Spectrino - Arduino devices that can be implemented on a wide spectrum of touch-free tinyML based housing and society systems.
Create your very own hotwords like "Alexa," "Ok Google" and "Hey Cortana," and trigger events just by speaking - without the Internet.
Train a neural network model in 10 minutes, and use it on ESP32 with MicroPython to control a light switch. Everything done in browser.
A voice-enabled machine which reads book and replies to the questions.
Everyone is asking if ChatGPT is actually Clippy in disguise. Well, what better way to find out than building a ChatGPT-powered Clippy?
Learn how to turn audio into text with the free, open-source spchcat tool on a Raspberry Pi.
An Arduino robot that can be controlled using speech or voice!
Implements speech recognition and synthesis using an Arduino DUE.
Warn users of the direction you are going to take, just by saying left! or right!
A Terminator-inspired, Raspberry Pi-driven facial recognition talking robot head.
SparkFun Artemis ATP Development Board version of TensorFlow Lite (experimental) Micro Speech example.
Developing my first skill with the open source voice assistant on a Raspberry Pi 3 - aka Picroft!
SiriControl is an open source python framework, which developers can extend to add Siri voice control to any project.
Control everything with your voice with the help of your Raspberry Pi.
Amazon Alexa like device running on the Beaglebone.
The sequel to my Raspbinator Terminator Skull project.
This project allows you to use a ChatGPT-like Large Language Model - LLaMA2 on an NVIDIA Jetson cluster.
A shoulder robot and AI pal in training. Updated with a new, soft outer shell and speech smarts!
Old tech meets high tech. Windows 10 UWP App with speech recognizion controlls an old slide projector.