Using a processor, some code and electrical tape, we can bring Sans from Undertale to life. You're gonna have a bad time...
Wokwi Arduino Simulator is used to show you the application of shift registers to read the status of 32 switches using 4 shift registers
This project aims at introducing the reader to the RAK611 Dash button h/w and how to use it to connect to web services via REST APIs.
This small circuit empowers you to use both, serial and parallel, outputs of your batteries in your projects.
Uses IR signal to latch/unlatch a relay
I needed a switch to control my coffee machine. I found this cheap WiFi switch, and upon pulling it open, discovered it is just an ESP8266!
In this project, we have designed a touch sensor that powers LED when the test point terminals are touched with a finger.
If in your projects mechanical buttons are inappropriate, perhaps a separate sensor button is the right choice.
Learn how to use Infineon's BTS7002-1EPP shield
A photosensitive sensor control switch is used to detect current brightness and display. It has Dark start or Bright start settings.
Learn how to program the micro:bit to turn the Lamp (L1) of Snap Circuits on and off with the help of the NPN Transistor (Q2).
Characterizing button switching behavior is an important first step for developing effective debounce algorithms in your systems.
DIY flat coils and wireless energy transfer circuit project, that works like a joule thief but with wireless capabilities!!
Try to use your Adafruit-BBIO lib. with your BeagleBone Green Gateway to limit some DC Motors and/or Stepper Motors!
Using Mongoose and some CHIPs, we made a virtual door button. Instead of a physical button to buzz staff in, they can now do it themselves.
Give a Magnet-Switch a try
Make a great mask more eye-catching with a blinking eye, an on-off switch, powered by a cell and driven by an ATtiny85.
Camouflage visible switches with simple elegant decor to control multiple lights and devices using pointing orientation.
Monitor and control the constant supply of nutrient rich salt water to ensure the health of expensive live bait fish.
In this tutorial we will learn how to turn the LED ON when darkness is detected. Watch the Video!
Turning off my ADSL antenna automatically when I don't need it.
I needed a 5x7 LED display for a Think-a-Tron reproduction project. Unable to find one commercially I decided to make my own.
This project will show you how to make a DIY touch-based switchboard.
Build an ON-OFF circuit using MOSFET