Arduino Nano based relay power switch for Raspberry Pi 3 (Kodi) operated by common TV remote controller.
This WiFi module makes it convenient for the user to switch between two audio sources without the need to swap and insert the audio cables.
In this simple tutorial we will learn how to turn ON/OFF 4 LEDs with a 433MHz RF Remote and Arduino. Watch the Video!
A Bongilcheon High School Innovation Lab project.
An example sketch that will read a simple toggle switch reliably, irrespective of the circuit design.
A simple and small music box with customizable tunes. Parts involved? Arduino Micro, buzzer and a switch.
A step by step video for Arduino beginners
Switching is a major part of any IoT project and I will explain how I used a water level switch.
A soft switch with integrated energy monitoring enabling spark-free switching for electric vehicles and drones.
When the button switch is pressed, the LED light-up. when the switch is released, the LED goes out.
This project shows how to use the RAK DashButton to create a safe, Wifi based switch to control your electrical appliances.
N this tutorial, I will share how to set up and use a smart switch using the Tuya IoT platform.
How to interface a 220V load with the Arduino in safety mode.
This is the solid state relay which is same as sugar cube relays available in market, These SSR based on electronics switching.
Tessel listens for a clap, then toggles a relay to turn something on and off.
Learn how to program the micro:bit to turn the DC Motor (M1) of Snap Circuits on and off with the help of the NPN Transistor (Q2).
This project uses two particle photons to control the blinds in your house. Flip a switch and the blinds will open or close.
Sonoff TH10/TH16 is a smart switch version of Sonoff which can monitor and set temperature and humidity through the iOS/Android app eWeLink.
We can make our own relay module circuit for our project at a cheap cost and we can customize to our liking.
The cloud switches are well known, but what happens when the local internet fails and the switch cannot connect to the internet?
Learn how to power the micro:bit from the battery holder of Snap Circuits.
A low-cost disinfectant robot that is easy to operate, help control the increase of coronavirus cases and prevent harm to others.
Proximity sensor-based proximity switches with surveillance photography
Learn the basics of electrical circuits and switches by building a string of party lights, then use Excel to create your own light show!