1st prize
The winner was awarded a $1,000 Arduino Store Gift Certificate ($1,000 value)
2nd prize
The winner was awarded a $500 Arduino Store Gift Certificate ($500 value)
3rd prize
The winner was awarded a $250 Arduino Store Gift Certificate ($250 value)
From 4th to 10th prize
Each winner was awarded a $85 Arduino Store Gift Certificate + MKR1000 ($85 value)
From 11th to 25th prize
Each winner was awarded a MKR1000 ($35 value)
'Tis the season to tech the halls by connecting your projects to the IoT using the Arduino MKR1000. A WiFi-enabled Christmas tree? A Clark Griswold-like light show for outside your home? An Internet-controlled menorah? Whatever you build, we want to see it on our Project Hub!
Once you submit your project, you 'll also receive a special promo code for your next MKR1000 purchase!
So get into the Maker spirit and submit your holiday-themed idea for chance to win a gift certificate to the Arduino Store, hardware and some swag! We’ll be selecting the top 25 entries based on originality, quality, creativity, and festiveness. Want to participate but need a little inspiration? Be sure to check out our Road to Santa Claus tutorial!
1st place: $1,000 gift certificate
2nd place: $500 gift certificate
3rd place: $250 gift certificate
4th-10th place: $50 gift certificate + MKR1000 board
11th-25th place: MKR1000 board
And remember, all projects must use an Arduino MKR1000—a powerful board that combines the functionalities of the Arduino Zero and WiFi Shield, consisting of a 32-bit Cortex-M0+ core, a WINC1500 WiFi module, an ECC508 CryptoAuthentication chip, and a LiPo charging circuit.
Ready to get started?
1. Create a free account on Arduino.cc (or log-in if already a member)
2. Register for the contest by clicking "Register as a participant”
3. Design, build and submit your Internet of Holiday Things project on this page by January 30th, 2017
Submissions should include:
Source code, preferably written on the Arduino Web Editor
Winners will be announced on this page on February 17th, 2017.
1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize

From 4th to 10th prize

From 11th to 25th prize
Contest Status
Competition begins
December 30, 2016 at 10:00 AM PST
Submissions close
January 30, 2017 at 11:00 AM PST
Winners announced by
Feb 17, 2017